210, Share/NTFS permission Help Needed Please

hey guys.. i have passed my A+ and Net+ tests and I'm preparing for my first microsoft test Win 2000 Pro, 210.. Now I have already taken a class that covers both 210/215 but i took it maybe 3 months ago so i have forgotten some of the necessary info.. I need major help understanding the whole Share/NTFS permission thing.. And i know that this topic is a huge major part of the 210 test.. so i was wonderin if anyone had any good sites that explained this in perfect detail like a kindergarder would understand.. otherwords in plain english.. preferably with pics and stuff.. i am reading the Mike Meyers Passport book for 210 and it's really helpin out but i just dont understand this whole permission stuff.. so if anyone could help that would be greatly appriciated.. thanks
A+, Net+ Certified
Neal Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Well, the basic concept is that Share permissions refer to accessing a resource across the network; whereas NTFS permissions refer to local access. Whenever the two conflict, it is always the most restrictive that takes precedent.
Mark Minasi is a great writer when it comes to explaining concepts. I've read his Mastering Windows 2000 server book and he really does explain it in very basic language anyone can understand. He also has a book called Mastering Windows 2000 professional...i would definitely recommend it if you just want to understand the concepts. The caveat is that his books are not prep for any of the MSCE exams but are gems when it comes to just understanding how it all works. Hope this helps.