Left 4 Dead Pre-order going on who's gonna buy

kriscamaro68kriscamaro68 Member Posts: 1,186 ■■■■■■■□□□
So with Left 4 Dead in pre-order and the game coming out next month mid nov. I am wondering how many of you are going to be buying and playing this game?


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    It looks like the preorders have been insane: http://news.vgchartz.com/news.php?id=2167

    I'll wait for it to come out and get a few reviews first. I don't understand the appeal of preorders with systems like steam, where you can just download it whenever you want. Maybe if you get a discount or some other bonus...

    There's a lot coming out, and I still haven't even had a chance to get through GTA IV. Fallout 3 and GOW 2 are going to be huge as well. Dead Space just came out and got great reviews, and Saints Row 2 looks like a completely immature blast.
  • kriscamaro68kriscamaro68 Member Posts: 1,186 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Well you get 10% off with pre-order which is lame but I just want to be able to play the day it comes out. So i am gonna pre-order and have it download when I am at work so when i get home I can go crazy. But then again I have been waiting for this game to come out for so long now that its driving me nuts. They have pushed this game's release date back so many times so I am anxious about it. I wanna play GOW2 really bad. I guess I will have to re buy a 360.
  • deadpool287deadpool287 Member Posts: 113
    pre ordered last night LAWL
  • TalicTalic Member Posts: 423
    I was hoping it would've been $40 since it's online but I guess they invested more work in it then TF2.
  • kriscamaro68kriscamaro68 Member Posts: 1,186 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I just bought mine today. I cant wait till this game comes out.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    This is the type of game that doesn't get me hooked, I have GTA IV as well and was not able to really play it, I will be definitely getting this Zombie movie is one of my favorites, but for some reason Resident Evil did not appeal to me, I was looking at this and it's really a set different from the others.
  • loxleynewloxleynew Member Posts: 405
    This game seems alright. I'll probabley wait to buy it until it drops to $39. There's too many other games coming out to play... LBP;fable2 (already finished);god of war 3;fallout 3;far cry 2.

    This is definatley the month of the games. Also GoW1 sucked why play GoW2?
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