Planning to get back on here more

keatronkeatron Member Posts: 1,213 ■■■■■■□□□□
Hello everyone. Just wanted to drop in and say hi, as well apologize and let everyone know exactly where i've been the last few months.

1. Well I'm currently working on three books. So unfortunately, all the free time I use to devote to here has somewhat been sucked up by that process. Pretty much every book I'm working on requires extensive lab setups and screen shots. In other words, I don't just want to talk about hacking, we do step by step screen shot by screen shot, and command by command howto concerning penetration testing and security auditing. So I think most people will be happy with the books.

2. I've had to speak to three different congressional oversight committees concerning SCADA security. It's a long story as to how I got into that, but I was basically doing a demo for a group of DoD guys showing how easy it is to "fool" the protocols most often used by our SCADA systems (ModBus, TCP/ModBus, etc.). Well the next thing you know, I was doing the same demo for DoE and another un-named group. Then I was asked by this same group to write a classified paper on it. Next thing you know I'm in front of congress talking about it again (in laymen terms of course), then I got invited back. You know how the rest goes....

3. This year I've latched on the several more big name clients and doing much more IA and Pentesting work than I thought was possible, but we're gettin her done though. Also, the publishers have offered me the opportunity to do several more books in addition to the three I'm already contracted for (should keep me busy for several years).

4. And when I'm not doing those things, I'm teaching! Just finished a Advanced Pentesting class last week in Vegas. Also, I just finished what was probably the largest penetration test of my career. We were able to get access by going two companies out. In other words, we were able to get information from a company that is trusted by a sub-contractor of our target company.

One thing I have noticed reading through the posts is the fact that JD, Dynamik and others are willing and able to field any questions that might come up, and they've done such a good job, it's like I haven't been gone anywhere. And for that I'm thankful. I'll buy you guys beers if we ever meet up! Now I'm off to comment on some of the great posts I've missed out on.



  • shednikshednik Member Posts: 2,005
    I've been wondering where you were hiding...

    You definitely have been missed but the community did what we could to keep things going in the security area...

    Any ideas yet on how soon you will be publishing any of your books? Will any of us on TE maybe get a sneak peak on your work??

    All in all though it's good to have you back keatron!
  • keatronkeatron Member Posts: 1,213 ■■■■■■□□□□
    shednik wrote:
    I've been wondering where you were hiding...

    You definitely have been missed but the community did what we could to keep things going in the security area...

    Any ideas yet on how soon you will be publishing any of your books? Will any of us on TE maybe get a sneak peak on your work??

    All in all though it's good to have you back keatron!

    Shed, just reading through some of your posts as well and want to tell you just as I have JD and others in public here thank you for helping to keep things going. Your posts are thoughtful and rock solid as well. It's good to have you around!

    One book will be released either at the end of December or sometime in January. Two more will be released sometime next year as well. I'll check with the publisher. I'll probably throw some chapter excerpts up on TE for you guys to see before ANYBODY else in the world gets to see them.
  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    Welcome back to the land of the living, keatron. We've been doing our best while you've been taking it easy. Geesh, if you're going to disappear, at least try to do something constructive with your time. icon_lol.gif

    Good to see you around again, looking forward to checking out those books once you've got 'em rolling off the presses.

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    Let it never be said that I didn't do the very least I could do.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    keatron wrote:
    One thing I have noticed reading through the posts is the fact that JD, Dynamik and others are willing and able to field any questions that might come up, and they've done such a good job, it's like I haven't been gone anywhere.

    Hey man, I'm willing and JD's able, so I guess it all worked out icon_lol.gif

    Thanks for finally showing up and emptying all those PMs from my outbox ;)

    And as long as I get signed copies of those books, it's all good :D
  • UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    I'm glad you're back, you're a great asset to this forum, welcome back :)

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  • AhriakinAhriakin Member Posts: 1,799 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Hey, get back to the CCIE Security ! slacker :) .

    Good to see you're still alive, so would we have seen you on Greenspan telling them you didn't inhale? : :D
    We responded to the Year 2000 issue with "Y2K" solutions...isn't this the kind of thinking that got us into trouble in the first place?
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