Terminal Server Printing Issue

jbayne3jbayne3 Member Posts: 45 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hey Guys,

I figure some of the smart people on here could help me with an issue that I am having involving mapping a printer to a terminal server. I'll explain the setup the best I can....

I have 2 desktop PCs (Win XP Pro) and a HP LJ1200 Printer ("Print Device" in Microsoft Terminology).

The printer is locally attached to one of the desktops (let's call it Desktop A), and it is shared to be used by the other destkop (Desktop B). Desktop A and Desktop B print locally just fine....so far so good...

However, the Terminal Server makes this more interesting...

I have printer mappings set in the RDP client as well as the appropriate driver on the Terminal Server.

Desktop B connects to the Terminal Server and maps the printer just fine....no problems...prints great...

Desktop A (the computer that hosts the physically connected printer) connects to the Terminal Server without a mapping of the printer.

It seems as if there is some problem with the computer that hosts the shared printer. I am not sure if it is a sharing restriction, or some other reason. The event logs do not indicate a mapping issue.

If someone knows a fix for this or just a logical reason, I would love to be informed.

Thank you all in advance,



  • blargoeblargoe Member Posts: 4,174 ■■■■■■■■■□
    In the terminal server client, local resources tab, is the box for printers checked? If not, the local printer mapping will not appear on the server. You will also want to check the RDP settings on the server for the same thing (I think it's under "Terminal Server Configuration"... it's been a long time so please correct me if I'm telling him wrong)
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  • jbayne3jbayne3 Member Posts: 45 ■■□□□□□□□□
    thank you for your reply...all that is configured correctly
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Are there any errors in the event log of the terminal server? It should either list the sucessful mapping, or any errors that were encountered.
  • jbayne3jbayne3 Member Posts: 45 ■■□□□□□□□□
    thats another oddity...i have checked the event logs and have found no errors indicating redirection problems. The 2nd desktop, which connects to the printer via network share, can map the printer just fine on the terminal server...

    the machine that the printer is physically attached to cannot see the printer on the terminal server...

    it is very strange, but there has to be a valid reason for this...
  • SWMSWM Member Posts: 287
    I have had similar problems, I resolved it but not bring printers accross with RDP, but by sharing the local printer on the workstation.
    Installing the shared printer as a printer on the terminal server and then configuring this printer (now on the term server) as the users default.

    Hope this makes sense...
    Isn't Bill such a Great Guy!!!!
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