Wooo - Passed today

excalibur1814excalibur1814 Member Posts: 82 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hello eyeryone!

I passed the 70-290 the other week with 864 and today, passed the 70-270 with 700! A pass is a pass, but, I read the MS press book over four days, never made any notes and didn't commit a lot of commands to memory so I was LUCKY to get 700.

I didn't think it was a hard exam, especially after the 70-290, but it did have one heck of a lot of topics to cover.

65 questions, finished an hour early and in a small way, it might have been better to fail... thus actually making notes and getting a higher score.

I wish anyone and everyone the best of luck with future exams! :D

(Next: 70-620)


  • amp2030amp2030 Member Posts: 253

    620 will feel like a joke after this one.

    How did you find 290, by the way? I'm taking it next week.
  • excalibur1814excalibur1814 Member Posts: 82 ■■□□□□□□□□
    :D Woo

    I found the 290 to be one heck of an introduction. I failed twice, something like 624, then 678, then 846. I didn't do enough prep and the third time... I literally walked through the questions and had around 1h30m+ left. I made better notes, really looked at the troubled area's and it all fell into place. Difficult failing twice though but at least I then knew what I had to do for the next exam(s).

    Overall, the 70-290 was a good solid exam. The 70-270 seemed to be miles away in complexity.

    Dreading the 70-291... just looking at what it contains... icon_cry.gif

    (The 70-260 book is bigger than the others icon_eek.gif )
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