ok here is what i found!
Ok i am looking to use 2 books to study for this test plus trancenders to study and pass and the 2 books i found i might use is Server+ certfication bible and Syngress Server+ study guide. Those are the 2 so far that i plan on getting if anyone thinks there is a better book than the 2 i stated please let me know cause i still have a couple weeks before i am getting them cause i working on my i-net right now. Appercaite any thoughtS and thanks!
janmike Member Posts: 3,076
2 study guides should do the trick if you're thorough. Transcenders is always helpful in giving you a good sound review. I used transcenders on this one. Believe it is in line with the exam.
Just be thorough! This exam is almost all true-to-life scenario questions--you may want to look at a 3rd guide to be sure that you get the real intent of the exam.
Best of luck!"It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki -
iwannabeccna Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
I can't comment on the 2K server Transcenders, but for the XP Pro exam, the Transcenders were way too difficult in comparison to the exam. That said, the explanations are very good. -
theICE Member Posts: 84 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks, also the books i got was Server+ Certification Bible and also Server+ Certification Training Guide"
Elton Jernigan;Hardcover so hopefully these 2 books will help me out! and like i said before thanks again for all the advice i appercaite it!