off n running...
well after a bit of slog with the boss I've finally got my voip kit in at work....
So I had the pleasure of working with a double IE on setting up the callmanager and gateway today ....
seriously impressed with the IE and his knowledge, I've worked with a couple lately and am always amazed at there knowledge v mine and shows I've still got a ways to go....
love the callmanager and its capabilites....
had great fun putting in some fo the translations and getting them working and getting the calls routng in and out the pbx
its just made me more detirmined to get my vp next year....
I'm aiming to get qos out the way by xmas then crack on again in the new year.....
my home labs coming together and what i cant lab in rl i can always in virtual for now....
so bring it on.... I'm ready..... and loving it.....
So I had the pleasure of working with a double IE on setting up the callmanager and gateway today ....
seriously impressed with the IE and his knowledge, I've worked with a couple lately and am always amazed at there knowledge v mine and shows I've still got a ways to go....
love the callmanager and its capabilites....
had great fun putting in some fo the translations and getting them working and getting the calls routng in and out the pbx
its just made me more detirmined to get my vp next year....
I'm aiming to get qos out the way by xmas then crack on again in the new year.....
my home labs coming together and what i cant lab in rl i can always in virtual for now....
so bring it on.... I'm ready..... and loving it.....
if I say something that can be taken one of two ways and one of them offends, I usually mean the other one :-)