Shipping time for certs from Cisco...

phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
So my CCENT cert shipped from Cisco on the 26th of November. When do you guys think I'll get it? I'm content with waiting... but my wife is happier than all get out for some reason.
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus


  • gorebrushgorebrush Member Posts: 2,743 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Ha - this is funny

    I passed the exam at the end of SEPTEMBER and never got my CCNA certificate.

    After opening a case and being told I had the OPTION to PAY for another one - I sent them a disappointing reply, and now they're sending me another.

    But they state again, can take 6-8 weeks...
  • phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
    lol. That sucks. My wife for some reason is excited as hell about it. Me, I could care less. It's just one more piece of paper saying I accomplished something a lot of other people have. lol.
    "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus
  • JavonRJavonR Member Posts: 245
    Took me 3 weeks to get for the CCENT after I verified my address etc.
  • NetwurkNetwurk Member Posts: 1,155 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Took me 5 weeks to get my suitable for framing thingie from Cisco

    3 weeks for it to show up on their website

    I was in no hurry as it did not affect me jobwise

    But it was still very poor customer service IMHO

    Thanks to Georgie boy (and his shotgun rider Dick), our economy is bad here in the USA

    So I understand the frustration, especially for folks out looking for work

    Here's why I think it's bad - I'm almost 50 and when I was young companies would pay you to learn their equipment. Microsoft and Cisco (and just about all vendors these days) make money on their cert programs while us techs have to pay to learn how to support their equipment.

    It's a cruel joke on the working man, but I'll quietly end my rant since caring about workers hasn't been politically correct since the '70's
  • miller811miller811 Member Posts: 897
    I received my CCNP certificate this week.
    My results showed up the same day I passed the final CCNP exam, on the Cisco web site, and I verified my address etc that same day.
    It took right at 4 weeks to arrive.
    I don't claim to be an expert, but I sure would like to become one someday.

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