Enforcing Corporate Policy

cdad2000cdad2000 Member Posts: 323
Hello Everyone,

It's against corporate policy to have any sub-switches attached to data/voice jacks. What would you do if you would a ( linksys, Netgear) on the network? And what would you do if they didn't listen?



  • supertechCETmasupertechCETma Member Posts: 377
    each situation being unique, I would first remind the person of the policy prohibiting the device and politely ask them to remove it. If they give you any grief, escalate. You try and be nice but if it comes down to your a$$ or mine, I'm just doin' my job, bro. icon_cool.gif
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  • shednikshednik Member Posts: 2,005
    You can set up port security so if there are more than a certain number of MAC addresses coming from a port it will shut the port down. It's a way to stop the use of them but won't stop people from trying :D
  • bwcartybwcarty Member Posts: 422 ■■■□□□□□□□
    each situation being unique, I would first remind the person of the policy prohibiting the device and politely ask them to remove it. If they give you any grief, escalate. You try and be nice but if it comes down to your a$$ or mine, I'm just doin' my job, bro. icon_cool.gif

    Yeah, this sounds like a personnel issue more than a technical problem.

    Who implemented the policy? If it's just an IT policy without any real backing from the senior management, you're going to have a hard time. If senior management is aware of and supports the policy, you're in good shape. If the user(s) won't accept you enforcing the policy, move up to the next step in the chain of command on both sides - make your manager and the other person's manager aware of the issue. Odds are that if they know upper management supports the policy, they won't want the issue going any higher up the chain, and they'll work with you on getting it resolved.
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  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    I would go over to that desk after the person leaves, and just take the device. Turn it in to senior management, reminding them of the policy. When the user complains, tell them who has it. If it continues, they should be fired, no questions asked...policy is policy.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • empc4000xlempc4000xl Member Posts: 322
    Informal resolution 1st. U and that person talking. If the person is of opposite sex have a 3rd party there of there sex. Next if they still dont' listen, I would pass to my management to let them deal with. No need for **** matches. Also someone already pointed out switch security.
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