
exchange db questions on defrag

e24ohme24ohm Member Posts: 151
ok i am looking over the MS article #Q328804 and i have some questions.

I need eseutil to relocate the temp defragged db to a different location because of hdd space, so i use the following commands and switches.

eseutil /d /p c:\program files\exchservr\mdbdata\priv1.edb /t f:\tempdfrg.edb

but what switches do I use to defrag the priv1.stm? the instructions do not go into that part, or i am missing them. I guess i would use the following but i am unsure and need some clearfication.

eseutil /d /p c:\program files\exchservr\mdbdata\priv1.stm /f f:\tempdfrg.stm

again i am not sure if i have the switches right, since this is the first time i am going to do this, so any pointers will help.

thank you again.


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