Subnet Calculator crashes

seskandaseskanda Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm trying to use the subnet calculator program, but it crashes (illegal operation, i believe) I'm NOT allowed to copy the full error report, nor view/move its contents from the temp folder. All i can obtain from Event Viewer is the following:

EventType : clr20r3 P1 : subnet calculator.exe P2 :
P3 : 462d2dcf P4 : system P5 : P6 : 4333ae87 P7 : 2ba8
P8 : 40, P9 :, P10 NIL.

I have XP SP3, .NET Framework 2.0, and Jetico Personal Firewall 1.0.1. If any more information is needed, just ask me.

Thanks in advance.


  • phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
    What are you using it for? If your using it for certifiction purposes, then you may want to stop. You can't use one on the exams, it all has to be done in your head.

    As to why it crashed, dunno. I'd need to see some logs.
    "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus
  • seskandaseskanda Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    It's for my own educational purposes. The Illegal operation window **** the log in C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\temp folder as .DMP file, but when i try to access it (e.g. copy, move, or view it) i'm told it's used by another process. I believe the illegal operation window that appears when it crashes is using it. I managed to terminate the DW20.exe process, and copy the .DMP file, though. I can NOT decipher it in Notepad, i probably need a Hex editor. Can i attach it on this forum?
  • AhriakinAhriakin Member Posts: 1,799 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Thats an awful lot of effort for such a simple function (Seriously it'll take you about 10 mins to get your head around mental subnetting if you try, less time than you've spent so far on this), and you can find a lot of similar tools elsewhere.
    We responded to the Year 2000 issue with "Y2K" solutions...isn't this the kind of thinking that got us into trouble in the first place?
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