Upgrade exam clarification

Ok getting a bit ahead of myself here as I haven't actually finished my MCSE yet but...
With 70-649 Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, do you ACTUALLY get 70-640, 70-642 & 70-643 added to your transcript or is this exam merely the equivilant of them?
What I really want to know is if I transition my future MCSE into an MCITP:EA will I then be able to claim enough of the prerequesits to be able to go in and sit MB2-633 for Dynamics and get Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professional Installation and Deployment for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0?
Merry Christmas folks and happy festive studying
With 70-649 Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, do you ACTUALLY get 70-640, 70-642 & 70-643 added to your transcript or is this exam merely the equivilant of them?
What I really want to know is if I transition my future MCSE into an MCITP:EA will I then be able to claim enough of the prerequesits to be able to go in and sit MB2-633 for Dynamics and get Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professional Installation and Deployment for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0?
Merry Christmas folks and happy festive studying

MCSE - Windows 2003
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aaronchristenson Member Posts: 261 ■■■■□□□□□□
Yes, you get the certifications listed in the Credential section as if you took each one, and the upgarade exam is listed in the exams completed section.
As for your second part, yes looking at the requirements all you need is 642 and 643 or take the upgrade exam to cover those and then take the Dynamics exam you want.Aaron
MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, MCSA Windows Server 2012, MCSA SQL Server 2012/2014, MCSA Windows 10, MCITP Server Admin, Security+, Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center Specialist -
elaverick1981 Member Posts: 161
That's great thanks, I had a feeling that's how it would work but its nice to get confirmationMCSE - Windows 2003
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