Final Week of Studying...The Plan

AutoBahn81AutoBahn81 Member Posts: 22 ■□□□□□□□□□
I've read the Cisco Cert Guide three times, and have gone through the CBT Nuggets twice. Started studying hard about 3 weeks ago. I also have practiced ACLs, IOS Login Enhancements, and Switchport security on the CLI numerous times. I have been using GNS3 to practice SDM configurations and it is AWESOME. For some reason though it won't do the VPN set up. It just sits there when I press "Next" on the screen on which I enter the remote peer IP and pre-shared key. Oh well. Of all the SDM stuff I feel the most confident about the VPN.

So this last week it's a good amount of cramming from all three sources (Oh yeah, I also have the CCNA Security Quick Reference Guide from Cisco Press). I feel pretty good so I am hoping to pass. Everything makes sense, I feel like my biggest problem will be dealing with test anxiety and my ADD. I remember taking my CCNA and just sitting there with my hands on the keyboard for the first five minutes with no clue of what to do. Pretty funny in retrospect because the question was a simlet yet it was REALLY easy.

Any words of advice would be nice to have in the final stretch...

UPDATE: Tomorrow is the big day. I will update once more with my results.
BIT - Network Administration
MBA - IT Management


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