Anyone had success with Adsense?

Devin McCloudDevin McCloud Member Posts: 133
I have always been curious whether Google adsense is profitable or not. Has anyone here had success with Google, Yahoo or any other affiliate program out their for site ads? I first got excited about the concept reading about Marcus Frind who runs Plentyoffish dot com. Basically he created a free dating site which eventually started getting 500 million page views a month and generating 10,000+ dollars a month off ads. It pretty much inspired me to start studying C#, 2.0 and Sql 2005. According to the story, Frind uses 2.0//IIS 6.0 and runs one database server, one web server, one mail server and one backup server and is able to handle 500 million page views a month. I am not sure whether this story is real or fictitious, but it would be nice to hear success or failure stories from others.
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.


  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    I know people who run fairly popular sites that generate a reasonable amount from Google Adsense. It isn't anything major however. The language or platform the site is written in is irrelevant.

    $10,000 a month but he's got to pay for his servers, internet connection and his salary out of that.

    I don't believe that they've only got 4 servers however. They appear to allow you to upload photos and if there really is several hundred thousand active users then I don't see it working with just those 4.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    What about the site you're posting on? ;)
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