How much upload speed do I need for a Web server?



  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I have a static IP and I sure as **** don't pay extra.

    Astorrs is correct, just about every single ISP out there does charge for a static IP. Perhaps yours just doesn't change often, but odds are unless you are paying more then you likely do not have a static IP. If you have a business account, you might not explicitly be paying (on paper at least) for a static IP, but it's incorporated into the price.

    I'm pretty sure the original poster has figured out the solution though considering this thread is over 6 months old.
  • grah30grah30 Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Ok first off your ADSL connection at 512 upload will do just find to start and give you as well if not better performance that a shared hosting plan. Second you have more controll for doing SQL projects and you will need this control if you ever plan on app driven applications. Now please understand that with 512 upload you are not going to get but about 384 in reality.

    Things you need
    1. Server Operating System
    2. Use and by a server not a regeular computer. Why? well power goes the server will comback on when power is restored and backup your files.
    3. Router and Firewall (Don't Surff With This Server)
    4. At least 512 upload connection
    5. You can figure the rest like batter backups than will run the server for atlease 2 hours should the power go ect.

    Now you can always upgrade if your website takes off and is making you money to a par... T-1 that can provide the 3-5 MBPS up and download.

    Once you have all this in place it is much better than letting a company host the sight but the down side is it is more exspensive and for god sakes don't host your email. Why? because go daddy will do it for you for about $52.00 a year and they keep up with the spam filters because places like comcast block everything that looks like spam ip. Hope this helps
  • Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    dynamik wrote: »
    You'll need to get a "real" host if you're expecting traffic from Digg. Budget hosts will crumble under the load.

    When a server gets nailed by the digg effect (though I still refer to it as the slashdot effect), you need more than a 'real' host.

    It all depends on what type of content you're serving, and the server supporting it. I've seen dual quad core servers with 8 gigs of RAM shudder and die under a mere 1000 simultaneous connections because the code was so bad that it consumed all of the resources. Those types of sites usually require multiple front end web servers that are load balanced and a dedicated database server on the back end.

    If you're serving static content, then you can get away with a relatively lean machine, but you'll find that virtually every website that routinely handles many simultaneous hits is either employing some form of caching (whether it be a php opcode cacher like Xcache, or something like varnish. Or you split the operations by letting static content be served by a low footprint web daemon like lighttpd or nginx while the dynamic content is being served by apache), or has it's own dedicated infrastructure to keep it running as efficiently as possible.

    I have lost track of the amount of times I've had to explain to someone that no, you're not going to support 10,000 users simultaneous on a vBulletin install on a core2duo with 2 gigs of ram, especially with mysql running on the same machine. If you're going to host a high visibility site and you don't want it to run like crap, you're going to have to fork out the cash for decent hardware.
  • Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    aaaand I got caught by the necro thread. bah!

    Anyway, just another comment.... unless you're hosting large downloads, very large images, or streaming audio/video, the bandwidth requirements for alot of sites really aren't that large. There are plenty of sites on my network that are high visibility, but on average, do less than 10 megs of traffic (we bill on 95th percentile, so we don't care about aggregate data transfer)
  • OoteROoteR Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the response.

    What is a real good upload speed. Can you clarify ....1Mbps, 3mbps upload or what? I need to know what to ask for as a service plan.

    I did this before posting and my isp has no problem with me running a website from my home.

    Like I said before I want to run it from my home without a hosting company, what kinda of speed do I need for upload to handle that kind of load on a web server?

    I wouldn't try without 10Mbit Up.. Not because 1000 hits is a lot, but it would be silly to do it with less if you are expecting that much traffic..

    Most likely, you'll be fine with your 300K, but if you are running a business off of it, I'd bump as high as you can go....
    2k11 Goals:
    VCP - Currently Studying
    MCITP:EA - 620 (done)
  • OoteROoteR Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
    grah30 wrote: »
    Ok first off your ADSL connection at 512 upload will do just find to start and give you as well if not better performance that a shared hosting plan. Second you have more controll for doing SQL projects and you will need this control if you ever plan on app driven applications. Now please understand that with 512 upload you are not going to get but about 384 in reality.

    Things you need
    1. Server Operating System
    2. Use and by a server not a regeular computer. Why? well power goes the server will comback on when power is restored and backup your files.
    3. Router and Firewall (Don't Surff With This Server)
    4. At least 512 upload connection
    5. You can figure the rest like batter backups than will run the server for atlease 2 hours should the power go ect.

    Now you can always upgrade if your website takes off and is making you money to a par... T-1 that can provide the 3-5 MBPS up and download.

    Once you have all this in place it is much better than letting a company host the sight but the down side is it is more exspensive and for god sakes don't host your email. Why? because go daddy will do it for you for about $52.00 a year and they keep up with the spam filters because places like comcast block everything that looks like spam ip. Hope this helps

    .. It won't do better than a shared hosting plan.. Unless you go for the 1$ year plan.. Most are hosted in an actual datacenter, with a big chunk of pipe that normally isn't completely saturated...
    2k11 Goals:
    VCP - Currently Studying
    MCITP:EA - 620 (done)
  • DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□
    i use to run web servers at home of a 256k connection not that long back.

    it really does depened what and for how many people you are hosting.

    I still do it some times as I like the felxibility of having my own server that I can play with and do what I want.

    Live buisness data I would host on a provider, or if i expected a lot of data to come through.

    but for a small home site it is much more fun to host it your self. you will soon learn when you need to purchase a hosting solution and you will now far more about it so be able to make a much better descision.
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