SSCP to CISSP endorsement

persianboypersianboy Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□

I changed my way of taking exams. As the CISSP who is going to endorse me will be in good standing till end of March and there is not enough time to prepare for CISSP exam, I've decided to take SSCP first (before end of March) so that I have a better chance to pass and also He will be allowed to endorse me.
Does anyone know that if I pass SSCP and after a while (still in good standing) sit for CISSP, I will still need to be endorsed by another ISC2 credential holder???

Since any SSCP in good standing will have the right to endorse other CISSP candidates, should I be enodrsed by someone else?

Thanks in advance,


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    persianboy wrote: »
    Does anyone know that if I pass SSCP and after a while (still in good standing) sit for CISSP, I will still need to be endorsed by another ISC2 credential holder???

    I believe so.
    persianboy wrote: »
    Since any SSCP in good standing will have the right to endorse other CISSP candidates, should I be enodrsed by someone else?

    Is this true? I've seen the question of who SSCPs can endorse come up before, but I've never seen an answer.

    For definite answers, contact (ISC)2. JD posted the email address in your other thread.
  • persianboypersianboy Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    dynamik wrote: »

    Is this true? I've seen the question of who SSCPs can endorse come up before, but I've never seen an answer.

    other thread.

    YES, they say:

    "The professional endorsing the candidate can hold any (ISC)2 certification – CISSP, SSCP or CAP."
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    persianboy wrote: »
    Does anyone know that if I pass SSCP and after a while (still in good standing) sit for CISSP, I will still need to be endorsed by another ISC2 credential holder???
    I had the same endorser for both my SSCP and CISSP certs. The purpose of the endorser is to have an (ISC)2 member who is familiar with your work history to vouch that what you are telling the (ISC)2 about yourself is true. It is therefore very likely that you will have the same person be your endorser for all of your (ISC)2 certs.

    You need to read the endorsement form. It clearly asks what cert (CISSP, SSCP, CAP) the endorser holds. I assume CSSLP cert will be added on there soon, as CSSLP people need an endorser too.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I think his dilemma is that his endorser will only be able to endorse him through March, so it sounds like he will have to find someone else.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    Pass the SSCP before the end of March, or pay the endorser's AMF, or find another endorser. The (ISC)2 will supply an endorser for anyone who doesn't have one, but it means going through the full audit process, and that will delay becoming fully certified.
  • persianboypersianboy Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    JDMurray wrote: »
    Pass the SSCP before the end of March, or pay the endorser's AMF, or find another endorser.


    I really appreciate your answer. Seems paying his AMF will solve my problem.

    But why didn't you mention CPEs. Does paying endorser's AMF alone mean he will remain in good standing ?
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    CPEs are cheap. You can get those by subscribing to InfoSec magazines, attending security group meetings, or by saying you read a book. If someone can't be bothered to collect their annual CPEs then they really don't want to keep their cert(s).

    Only the (ISC)2 can determine if any of their members are in good standing. You really need to communicate with them over this matter.
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