
GPO seems to screwed inter DC replication on sysvol and netvol which holds policy/gpo

jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13508
Date: 1/29/2009
Time: 6:48:40 PM
User: N/A
Computer: IGNDC-SC4
The File Replication Service is having trouble enabling replication from NYDC2 to IGNDC-SC4 for c:\windows\sysvol\domain using the DNS name nydc2.hq.ign.com. FRS will keep retrying.
Following are some of the reasons you would see this warning.

[1] FRS can not correctly resolve the DNS name nydc2.hq.ign.com from this computer.
[2] FRS is not running on nydc2.hq.ign.com.
[3] The topology information in the Active Directory for this replica has not yet replicated to all the Domain Controllers.

This event log message will appear once per connection, After the problem is fixed you will see another event log message indicating that the connection has been established.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
0000: d5 04 00 00 Õ...

Event Type: Error
Event Source: NtFrs
Event Category: None
Event ID: 13568
Date: 1/30/2009
Time: 2:47:31 PM
User: N/A
Computer: NYDC2
The File Replication Service has detected that the replica set "DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE)" is in JRNL_WRAP_ERROR.

Replica root path is : "c:\windows\sysvol\domain"
Replica root volume is : "\\.\C:"
A Replica set hits JRNL_WRAP_ERROR when the record that it is trying to read from the NTFS USN journal is not found. This can occur because of one of the following reasons.

[1] Volume "\\.\C:" has been formatted.
[2] The NTFS USN journal on volume "\\.\C:" has been deleted.
[3] The NTFS USN journal on volume "\\.\C:" has been truncated. Chkdsk can truncate the journal if it finds corrupt entries at the end of the journal.
[4] File Replication Service was not running on this computer for a long time.
[5] File Replication Service could not keep up with the rate of Disk IO activity on "\\.\C:".
Setting the "Enable Journal Wrap Automatic Restore" registry parameter to 1 will cause the following recovery steps to be taken to automatically recover from this error state.
[1] At the first poll, which will occur in 5 minutes, this computer will be deleted from the replica set. If you do not want to wait 5 minutes, then run "net stop ntfrs" followed by "net start ntfrs" to restart the File Replication Service.
[2] At the poll following the deletion this computer will be re-added to the replica set. The re-addition will trigger a full tree sync for the replica set.

WARNING: During the recovery process data in the replica tree may be unavailable. You should reset the registry parameter described above to 0 to prevent automatic recovery from making the data unexpectedly unavailable if this error condition occurs again.

To change this registry parameter, run regedit.

Click on Start, Run and type regedit.

Click down the key path:
Double click on the value name
"Enable Journal Wrap Automatic Restore"
and update the value.

If the value name is not present you may add it with the New->DWORD Value function under the Edit Menu item. Type the value name exactly as shown above.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

This replication error was generating all kinds of chaos logs on the exchange servers as well DC, caused the exchangers and some managers to panic, since one of the event ID: stated failed to access AD topology.

This is the solution that I used to fix the issue I thought I would share it.

Using the BurFlags registry key to reinitialize File Replication Service replica sets - Article reinitialize FRS non-authoritative replica sets on DC.

on C:\windows\sysvol\domain name\policies AKA group policy objects, after doing the for replication, the policies folder had more policies which tells me a replication is finally taking place and the error logs is now gone, I'm still going to investigate the log for the whole day as well the exchange servers.

No I didn't tought the default domain policy :P to mess any security authentication such as kerberos/ntlm that can disrupt windows way of replicating things, but GPMC said someone modified it, that part I don't want to dig deeper :P don't ask don't tell...

I would like to hear your opinion on this, on what might have caused the logs generation? I am really suspecting it's the GPO?
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