
Job search resources through local governments.

msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
I've been collecting data for an upcoming blog post, but figured I would share this resource here first. First, let me apologize to those of us outside of the United States. This collection of resources won't be of any value unless you are looking for a job in the US. I unfortunately don't have enough time to gather resources on a wider scale, but if you would like to add relevant resources feel free and I will keep this main post updated.

We all see threads looking for advice on searching for a job. While plenty of great resources are typically shared, I've noticed that one resource that every state offers often goes overlooked. I've researched job search resources for each state, and have found they all have some form of a job bank and many of them have additional resources for resume help, interview tips, and so forth. The best resource I think is the job bank, I know through my own job searching over the years that I have often found jobs in my own states job bank that were not listed on any of the other online job search sites.

Having said that, here is a list of job banks and other job resources for each state.

Hopefully this can be of some help for any job seekers out there, as I mentioned - feel free to contribute additional government resources for those of you outside of United States, I think they are a great resource and easily forgotten.


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