Online training for CCVP

A coworker has recently decided to pursue his CCIE training (R&S) through an online program. It's pricey at $3,000 - however, he's getting a lot of stuff. He has free rack rentals, the four CCIE textbooks he'll need, workbooks, and best of all, a tutor who will work with him and provide support and assistance while he finishes.

I brought this up to see if anyone might know of something similar for CCVP. I'm not talking about a boot camp for 10 days for $5G. I think if I could get rack rental time and personal support to help me over my problem areas (something I don't have now), I would be really interested in something like that. The link below is similar to what I'm talking about, thought it doesn't look like this is offered quite yet.

The CCIE Journey: IPExpert Offers Non-CCIE Courses
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." - Popular Mechanics, 1949
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