
Network security / security analyst

SpunkerspawnSpunkerspawn Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey guys, I've been in the IT industry for the past 2.5 years (mainly focusing my career path on networking). I've been wondering how to get my foot in the security area though. All job postings relating to this subject requires several years of experience in assessing security critical situations and participation in major security analysis projects.

My question is, how can I transition from networking to network security? I'm 24 years old and I want to get on track as fast as I can.

I am 2 exams away from becoming a CCNP, and I'm also taking a look at CEH and the Offensive-security (Backtrack Linux distro) courses.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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    carboncopycarboncopy Member Posts: 259
    A good way to start would be by looking into Security+ certification. Also you might want to look at CCSP since you are already familiar with Cisco. I think CCSP will be helpful if you want to go the Network Security Engineer track. Security+ and GIAC (GCIA,GCIH) certs will help you more if you decide you want to go the analyst route.
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    SpunkerspawnSpunkerspawn Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I don't really want to constrain myself to network security (securing routers and switches, firewalls etc...). I want to be able to expand my responsibilities in all areas of security (such as analyzing an SQL injection attack or a man-in-the-middle attack etc...)

    Though a good starting point would be, as you put it, the CCSP track since I will be coming from a networking background.

    But I was actually expecting job related advice, like a position that would entail a bit of both worlds... any suggestions? Or better yet, anybody working in the security field that would be willing to lend me a hand?
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