FBLA Cyber Security Test

in Security+
I am a junior in highschool, and im a member of the FBLA. I don't know if anyone here is familar with the FBLA (Future Bussnise Leaders of America), but it is a High School leadership club, and it allows you to compete on the local, state and national level is bussnise and tech related fields. This april, I will be competing on the state level in Cyber Secuirty from what I gathered is very close to the Comptia security+ test. So I have been studying Sybex's Comptia security + Certification kit. I am considiring once I am dome competing taking the Comptia securty+ exam, since I would have already studied for the exam. Does anyone have any sugestions? Is anyone here doing anything similar to me, as far as FBLA testing? How good is Sybx's study materail, am I studying quality materail?
sprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
Sybex is good material, but for the Security+ exam I would not rely on a single source. If you can afford it, grab another book and cross reference the two. Syngress used to be rated pretty good. I don't think Exam Cram was all that great. The Internet will be a good resource too, as well as the TechNotes here.
Good luck!All things are possible, only believe. -
goforthbmerry Member Posts: 244
Just a quick post to second those two secondary sources. I actually prefer the syngress book to the sybex but neither book covers everything on the test by itself. I have also heard good things about the Exam Cram books. Definately use two different sources. Anything that is covered in both is certainly important enough to study twice. I would certainly go ahead and take the exam if you are going to be doing the studying anyway.
I don't know anything about the FBLA Cyber Security Exam but I used to be in the FBLA myself in High School. I won't say how long ago it was but Cyber Security was best portrayed in the movie War Games at the time. Good Luck!!Going for MCSE:security, Intermediate ITIL, PMP -
jeremy8529 Member Posts: 57 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks for the advice, im not actually using one book, I am using a study package from sybex which is actually three books, I will show you guys the link. Im hoping that this will drastically increase my chances of doing well!
This is what I am using right here, it is Comptia Secuirty+study guide, Security Administrator Street Smarts, and Comptia Secuirty+ Fast Pass.
Amazon.com: CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit: Michael A. Pastore, Emmett Dulaney, Michael Gregg, David Miller, James Michael Stewart: Books -
sprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
jeremy8529 wrote: »Thanks for the advice, im not actually using one book, I am using a study package from sybex which is actually three books, I will show you guys the link. Im hoping that this will drastically increase my chances of doing well!
This is what I am using right here, it is Comptia Secuirty+study guide, Security Administrator Street Smarts, and Comptia Secuirty+ Fast Pass.
Amazon.com: CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit: Michael A. Pastore, Emmett Dulaney, Michael Gregg, David Miller, James Michael Stewart: Books
Well I've never seen/used that set, but reading the reviews it appears that about half the people say it's enough, and half say you will need another resource.All things are possible, only believe. -
jeremy8529 Member Posts: 57 ■■□□□□□□□□
A small update on the testing. I took the test on the state competeion, and I took second in the state, and now I am advancing to the National Test in Anaheim CA. I am now in the running for cash prizes! I have read the Sybex Study Guide and Fastpass, and now I have ordered Sygnress securty+ study guide 2nd edition. Wish me luck!
Sharris25 Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi Jeremy. What state are you from? I placed third in Cyber Security in VA but second dropped out so I am also going to nationals. -
prodigenius Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
There are cyber security tests at http://fbla.testfrenzy.com and forums with other FBLA members at http://testfrenzy.com/forums/index.php Good luck in with your competitions.