CCENT 2 Study time

mchatterleymchatterley Member Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
Passed CCENT 1 last month and havn't really had chance to crack on with Numero 2. I had planned to do the exam on May 1st as Im due to go on Holiday afterwards. This is only 6-7 weeks away. Will it be possible to gain the knowledge in this short period of time to pass the exam?

Thanks in advance guys


  • mattrgeemattrgee Member Posts: 201
    I spent around 3 months preparing for ICND2 and found this to be the right amount given the material and labs.
  • hypnotoadhypnotoad Banned Posts: 915
    I spent about 3 months - but everybody is different. There are a lot of variables - it's a difficult thing to estimate.

    I say buckle down hard on it and reassess your timeframe after you've been through it once and are semi-familiar with the kind of material you're up against.
  • rwwest7rwwest7 Member Posts: 300
    I usually take one topic at a time. OSPF this week, VLSM the next. I don't move on until I have that topic down pretty good. Then once I've made it through all the major topics, I schedule my exam for two weeks away, then cram like heck for those two weeks.
  • anushvenkyanushvenky Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□

    I am Mastered in IT just before 7 years and desperate to take CCENT exam. Can you suggest me the best materials,Exam preparation time and also, is it recommended to take the training ICND1 V 1.1?

    Thanks. I appreciate your reply.
  • IllumanatiIllumanati Banned Posts: 211 ■□□□□□□□□□
    anushvenky wrote: »

    I am Mastered in IT just before 7 years and desperate to take CCENT exam. Can you suggest me the best materials,Exam preparation time and also, is it recommended to take the training ICND1 V 1.1?

    Thanks. I appreciate your reply.

    I do not recommend regular 500-1000 page study guides because of the tremendous amount of fluff reading that can keep you spinning your wheels and thus keep your interest and success hostage/at-bay ..unless you are a natural reader who can put away 500-1000 pages in a few weeks try to find an e-book or a condensed study guide and start from there. look for free e-books online. do some test question after and try to get some CLI experience either by learning a simulator or an online lab sim..really anything to get some LAB and CLI experience because i hear 40-60% of grade on CCNA are lab questions.

    For example, I don't think you need to read 500+ page book to pass the CCENT like this author on this thread. This is what I am getting at. The study guides(500+ pages) are for natural readers and for publishers to sell in volume.
    Mstavridis wrote: »
    If you can get your hands on the BOSON lab program and its associated handbooks then you will blow through this with ease.

    I agree that more learning can be had through test questions and labbing and using the books as a reference for these labs and questions.
  • MstavridisMstavridis Member Posts: 107
    If you can get your hands on the BOSON lab program and its associated handbooks then you will blow through this with ease.
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