Member Posts: 122
My employer wants to pay for my bootcamp but I can't make the decision on which hell to put myself through. I want to return with the cert so I am leaning towards the RHCT but if I attend the bootcamp and take the test for the RHCE I can still leave with the RHCT if I don't meet the requirements
dynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□What sort of experience do you have? There RHCE is intensive. If you're more of a novice, I'd vote that you master the RHCT material instead of biting off more than you can chew. If you're not at the level, the RHCE information is going to go in one ear and out the other.
darkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343What sort of experience do you have? There RHCE is intensive. If you're more of a novice, I'd vote that you master the RHCT material instead of biting off more than you can chew. If you're not at the level, the RHCE information is going to go in one ear and out the other.
Plus, with the RHCE course, you get trained on RHCE level material, not RHCT stuff. Though the RHCT is in the exam, it's not *really* part of the course. Any material covered for the RHCT will be very brief and will definitely not prepare you for the RHCT part of the exam. If you don't know the RHCT material like the back of your hand, don't expect to take the RHCE course and pass the RHCT part.
Having said that, if you're really experienced with Linux, I'd suggest you take the RHCE and use study materials to make sure you are very familiar with the RHCT topics. Get the RHCE book by Jang and cover the RHCT stuff really well before moving on.
Good luck! -
Therhino Member Posts: 122I believe you guys pretty much answered it for me. Thanks for the help. I work with Redhat constantly all day but I don't think I have enough of it under my belt to make the big dive.
Therhino Member Posts: 122Its crazy going through my jang book and from when dyanmik had his study group how much real world experience helps you understand the concepts a lot better. Thanks for the good lucks