VoIP Calculations

sl2698sl2698 Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
For those of you who passed the 640-863, there were some questions on how many VoIP call can you have within a given bandwidth, and it goes on to give you payload, codec, etc.. My question is this, in the Cisco Press the exam certification guide, it talks about only using 75% of the bandwidth for VoIP, leaving 25% for data. When taking the test, there is nothing in the question that says use 75% of the bandwidth. So when you did your calculations for the number of call within a certain bandwith, did you base you calculation on applying the number of calls to 100% or 75% of the bandwidth given?


  • darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    100%. Unless you're told specifically to measure out additional packets, assume you're only using what you're told you're using.
  • malcyboodmalcybood Member Posts: 900 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yeah I agree with darkerosxx , on the exam, answer the question that you're asked, not the question you think they're asking. It's an easy mistake to make with Cisco exams as sometimes you think surely there's more to it than that and they're trying to trick me.

    99.999% of the time they arn't trying to trick you, Cisco exams are just difficult!
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