
Remote Access Authentication Question

tawnostawnos Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
I can't figure out the meaning of a question in the mspress self-paced book. In my book (an old version 1 edition) its #4 of chapter 16.1 (objective 4.1). It would probably be nda-breaking to write the entire question, but the basic premise is that an IAS server is providing authentication for a number of Remote Access servers servicing dialup clients, and the goal is to "ensure that remote users are authenticated using the Kerberos v5 authentication protocol" and to "ensure that such downlevel protocols as NTLM are not used"

The answer to the question is to "configure the Authentication-Type remote access policy condition to specify a connection restriction thatis based on the authentication protocol". When i check this setting, the only options are the standard Remote Access authentication protocols: i.e. EAP, MSCHAP v1/v2, CHAP, SPAP, PAP, Unauthenticated. I can't find any mention of Kerberos anywhere. Does one of these options somehow insure kerberos, or is there something specific that has to be done to enable the selection of kerberos as an authentication protocol here?
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