Networking Question

telecomops101telecomops101 Member Posts: 128
I have a linksys wireless 4 port cable/dsl router. My desktop PC is connected via hardwire to port 1 and i wanted to know if i were to offer wireless internet access through my router for my tenant how would I set up security to ensure he would not have any access to my PC.
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  • djhss68djhss68 Member Posts: 205
    I know that on my D-link router there is a section called Access Control. In it, you choose the computer (either by MAC or IP) and then place restrictions on access for that computer. You can pick a range of IP addresses, Range of Port Numbers, and protocol type (TCP, UDP, ICMP, or Any).

    I would probably disable DHCP on your router by accessing thru your web browser. And then assign static IP addresses for his computer and your computer. That way you can place access restrictions on his IP address.(i.e block him from accessing your IP address)
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