Is the real test this stupid???

aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
I’m getting fedup with these practice tests. The one that comes with the Microsoft book seems intent on telling me 9 times outta 10 that I’ve failed!!!!... My stupid scroes keep falling into the mid to high 70’s!.. I know $hitty XP, I’ve used it for years. I used it as a tech back home in a workgroup for years! I used 2000 before that, 98 and 95 before that! I’ve read the 70-270 book cover to cover twice, read the mike myers book and read the tech notes here. I’ve put off this test 3 times already because I can’t ever seem to get anything higher than 81% on the stupid test that came with the book? I thought this was multiple choice questions, what’s with the drag and drop questions where everything has to be in the exact order it thinks you should have it in or it fails you on that question? Who really cares how I adjust screen resolution.. I wouldn’t touch the stupid control panel in anything less than classic mode anyway.. grrr..

Am I doing something wrong here, if the actual exam this hard I don’t think I want to bother anymore with the 70-270, what’s the point if it’ll fail me for not putting the right combination of answers in the right boxes in the right stupid order… I’ve my test scheduled for Thursday and I’m starting to think I’ll just get my money back and go a different route than this, I’m really fedup with this I’ve enough crap to deal with so far this year I don’t need this as well.


  • Super99Super99 Member Posts: 274
    Use Transcender. I was sooo confused when I used the MS books and Testout.
    Transcender made it crystal clear and I passed with 889.
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Super99 wrote: »
    Use Transcender. I was sooo confused when I used the MS books and Testout.
    Transcender made it crystal clear and I passed with 889.

    Thanks for the advice!.. I'm kinda skint at the minute so Transcender is out the window unless I fail then I'll have to get the cash and buy 30 days worth of unscrewing my head from my arse! Your right the MS book isn't good at all.. well it is, but it isn't it just seems to make things more difficult than they needed to be?
  • djhss68djhss68 Member Posts: 205
    This is probably the most boring, pain-in-the-ass, test to study for. Have mine scheduled 3 weeks from now and I can't wait to get it over with so I can start on 290, which should be more interesting.
  • qwertyiopqwertyiop Member Posts: 725 ■■■□□□□□□□
    djhss68 wrote: »
    This is probably the most boring, pain-in-the-ass, test to study for. Have mine scheduled 3 weeks from now and I can't wait to get it over with so I can start on 290, which should be more interesting.

    All of the MS exams are like that
  • djhss68djhss68 Member Posts: 205
    qwertyiop wrote: »
    All of the MS exams are like that
    Yeah, but this one takes the cake. At least with 290 I'll be learning AD, GPOs, and stuff that I find more interesting.
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    No matter how hard I try with this stupid practice exam I can't seem to get anything more than 76% or 74% or 78%.. every single time it tells me "fail". I'm getting fedup failing because I don't have things listed in the exact order it expects me to have it in. I really hate those "put the steps you'd take to complete this in the correct order" questions!.. grrr Who really cares if you click start control panel or right click the desktop?..

    My exam is scheduled for Thursday and I'm seriously expecting to fail by just a few points and if I do I don't think I'm going back to the 70-270 again. I'm not resitting this again and not reading that horrible ms book again.
  • Agent6376Agent6376 Member Posts: 201
    aidan80 wrote: »
    No matter how hard I try with this stupid practice exam I can't seem to get anything more than 76% or 74% or 78%.. every single time it tells me "fail". I'm getting fedup failing because I don't have things listed in the exact order it expects me to have it in. I really hate those "put the steps you'd take to complete this in the correct order" questions!.. grrr Who really cares if you click start control panel or right click the desktop?..

    My exam is scheduled for Thursday and I'm seriously expecting to fail by just a few points and if I do I don't think I'm going back to the 70-270 again. I'm not resitting this again and not reading that horrible ms book again.

    If you're failing consistantly after reading the book cover to cover:
    1. The book is bad.
    2. You're not soaking in the information.

    I'm assuming that it's the former and not the latter, so I'd suggest you find another source to study. As with all Microsoft Exams, you always consider more than just one form of training. If you're strapped for cash look for eBooks, or check out your local library. There are plenty of other options from practice exams, forums, and CBT to assist you in learning the required info.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    You should always use two or three resources to study; none are going to be perfect. If you want a good practice exam, buy one, and don't rely on what was tacked on to the book.

    Many people make the mistake of assuming that since they've worked with XP for years, this exam will be a breeze. They fail to realize there is much more to XP than they use on a daily basis.

    Don't get discouraged and stick with this until you pass. Be sure to use the second shot if you haven't. You need to apply that code when you register though.
  • rwwest7rwwest7 Member Posts: 300
    I think the practice exams are always harder than the actual exams.
  • ClaymooreClaymoore Member Posts: 1,637
    dynamik wrote: »
    Many people make the mistake of assuming that since they've worked with XP for years, this exam will be a breeze. They fail to realize there is much more to XP than they use on a daily basis.

    Yep, made that mistake. Studied about 3 hours for 270 with the MCSE Core Elective Exams in a Nutshell book and struggled through the exam. I passed, but I made sure to put more effort into future exams and not rely on experience alone.

    I use practice exams as a part of my study routine for most of my exams, but I take them in Study mode rather than Simulation mode. I'm not interested in divining whether or not I am going to pass - I want immediate feedback on my answer so I know why the answers were right or wrong. If the explanation confuses you, the MeasureUp exams included with the MSTK have links to the chapters that cover the information in the question. If that still doesn't explain it, google it and read the technet article about the topic. The only real downside to this method is I quickly memorize the answers and the questions aren't as useful for study material after that.

    Practice exams almost always require a higher score to pass than the actual exams and the questions are often more difficult. Sometimes the answers to the practice questions are wrong, as was the case with a few questions in the 237 MSTK.
  • undomielundomiel Member Posts: 2,818
    I recall the 270 as my first Microsoft test and the most difficult of all the Microsoft exams I have taken. I went in way too cocky without having studied really at all (I still need to kick that bad habit, haven't looked at Windows 7 yet) just a few flips through the Myer's book and the TechNotes here. After getting in a few questions I was firmly convinced I was going to fail. Amazingly enough I squeaked on by with a sub 800 score. Definitely do not go into this one overconfident, save that for the 290.
    Jumping on the IT blogging band wagon --
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I've read the press book, the mike myers book, the tech notes.. the press book again, parts of the myers book again (it's too outdated) the notes a few more times and a few more parts of the press book and still it says.. fail? I mean I went through the A+ and N+ and scored in the 90's% range on the practice and got the same in the real test? This thing is insane! I really am losing a lot of points because I click the wrong thing..

    I'll keep on reading.. I have until 11am Thursday to get something higher than 78%!
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    aidan80 wrote: »
    I'll keep on reading.. I have until 11am Thursday to get something higher than 78%!

    If it's any consolation, you only need 70% to pass the actual exam ;)
  • JordusJordus Banned Posts: 336
    I read the 270 book over once, lightly, and got a 826 on the first try.

    I dont really see the issue with using one source.

    The problem with the whole thing is that theres one topic that the book doesnt really cover at all, that the test seemed to ask half its questions on. But if youve worked enough with it, that shouldnt be an issue.
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Well I think I see why my score is so low.. part of it is I'm always tired when I'm doing these practice exams after work and I'm not reading the questions and understanding what it's asking before I answer.

    I'm still stuck on the picky questions.. example I'm taking a lot more time to read the questions now and notice that some expect you to pay attention to the small details while others dont?

    I'm asked to install a printer, the question states the user already connected the printer and didn't install a driver..

    My Answer:
    Control Panel - Printers & Other Hardware - Add a Printer.. etc

    Correct Answer:
    Connect the printer.. etc

    ahhh.. it's so frustrating? Why would I connect the printer if it's already connected? Other questions are expecting you to pay attention to the details and pickup from there then there are questions that expect you to do it by the book as if the details don't matter...

    In a few hours I'll either have passed by the skin of my teeth or failed.. either way I think I need a good strong drink after all of this! lol
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    aidan80 wrote: »
    ahhh.. it's so frustrating? Why would I connect the printer if it's already connected? Other questions are expecting you to pay attention to the details and pickup from there then there are questions that expect you to do it by the book as if the details don't matter...

    I get agitated from the same things. You just need to realize that the actual test will (hopefully icon_lol.gif) be better. As long as you understand the reasoning behind the answer, you'll be fine.
    aidan80 wrote: »
    In a few hours I'll either have passed by the skin of my teeth or failed.. either way I think I need a good strong drink after all of this! lol

    It sounds like you might need a couple before the exam as well. Good luck!
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    dynamik wrote: »
    I get agitated from the same things. You just need to realize that the actual test will (hopefully icon_lol.gif) be better. As long as you understand the reasoning behind the answer, you'll be fine.

    It sounds like you might need a couple before the exam as well. Good luck!

    I'm hoping to beat the odds and come back with a pass! That's if I find the place and my stupid GPS dont try to take me on all the toll roads lol
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I've done the exam and thanks to me taking the wrong road and my GPS wanting to take me 2 miles up the interstate just to get off again? I just got home!.. I scored 823!.. I'm shocked I was really expecting a fail!.. I'm glad it's over with... I need a few beers after that!
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Now that the shock is wearing off... Thank you to everyone for your advice and to those people who have been good enough to put the technotes out there and those practice tests they did help me out a lot!!

    What to do next?... I was thinking of taking a break from the certifications as I don't exactly work as an IT Tech or Admin anymore. I'm thinking I may go down the GIS route as I'm being trained in that area at work and it's actually not that difficult.
  • dsilenzidsilenzi Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I missed twice, but do have a free retake. I have some prior experince but I need more help as indicated. I Used Transcender, Technotes, braindumps. I found about doz questions not directly covered by the above material. I like Transcender becuase of their in depth explanations (which could help U on those doz questions to get right) Technotes are okay but missed quite a few things(note they added some more chapters). Braindump I am still studying with! I think those doz questions are put their to test your "wordly" knowledge or deep understandings and "deduce" to the right answer! In past exams for NT Transcender was pretty much all I needed! I hope this helps!
  • coldbugcoldbug Member Posts: 189
    rwwest7 wrote: »
    I think the practice exams are always harder than the actual exams.

    I agree !
    "If you want to kick the tiger in his ass, you'd better have a plan for dealing with his teeth."
  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    dsilenzi wrote: »
    I missed twice, but do have a free retake. I have some prior experince but I need more help as indicated. I Used Transcender, Technotes, braindumps. I found about doz questions not directly covered by the above material. I like Transcender becuase of their in depth explanations (which could help U on those doz questions to get right) Technotes are okay but missed quite a few things(note they added some more chapters). Braindump I am still studying with! I think those doz questions are put their to test your "wordly" knowledge or deep understandings and "deduce" to the right answer! In past exams for NT Transcender was pretty much all I needed! I hope this helps!

    Believe it or not, as much as I complained about the practice tests that came with the MS Book.. There were a lot of questions very similar on the real test. That book and the practice tests as much as I thought it had confused me actually got me a pass in the end.
  • dsilenzidsilenzi Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Also remember that MS is in the biz of making $money$ ! All the questions on the exam are fair game and not for the faint of heart. They made this test real difficult becuase one would usually start off with the client side first. They probable want to "weed out the pretenders"! I am not sure if their is more study material on XP versuses Server but I am sure of one thing you must study period!
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