Passed 70-640 Today

I passed Active Directory today with a score of 793. Frankly, I was stunned at the amount of DNS questions involved in the exam considering it's supposed weighting in the exam.
Exam was 42 questions, 110 minutes long (although it took me 30) and contained multiple choice questions, one drag and drop and I'm exceedingly annoyed with the review/comment component of the new exams.
This is one of the more difficult exams to study for because it's tedious and covers a lot of topics. Make sure that you really focus in on DNS, Certificates, Roles and understanding the command line commands.
I've now passed:
I begin to study for 70-642 next and am looking forward to finishing up these titles. I'll end up taking Windows 7 as well when it comes out because no one will be using Vista for too much longer when they can just go to Win 7 but that's fine.
Exam was 42 questions, 110 minutes long (although it took me 30) and contained multiple choice questions, one drag and drop and I'm exceedingly annoyed with the review/comment component of the new exams.
This is one of the more difficult exams to study for because it's tedious and covers a lot of topics. Make sure that you really focus in on DNS, Certificates, Roles and understanding the command line commands.
I've now passed:
I begin to study for 70-642 next and am looking forward to finishing up these titles. I'll end up taking Windows 7 as well when it comes out because no one will be using Vista for too much longer when they can just go to Win 7 but that's fine.
---===The darkest hour is just before the dawn of day===---
Jordus Banned Posts: 336
I will almost feel like filing a complaint if i end up with a ton of Certificate questions.
AD CS, AD RMS, AD LDS and AD Fed are supposed to be 9% of the entire exam...cumulatively!! -
jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
congrats!"Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks." -
BradH Member Posts: 160
Well done mate... you will be one of the last to do a only multi-choice on this one. I did the 083-640 which is the same exam - 30 Questions only and 2 full VM sessions.. was bloody hard!
Will agree on the DNS side of it though... was heavy on DNS.
Studying 70-642 now which has also a lot of DNS so I think doing 640 was a good starting point for me.EA Path - 70-643 - Passed - 70-680 - Passed - 70-647 - To Complete -
HemisFear Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
I would actually prefer VM sessions in the exams because they require a working knowledge of how to actually perform the task that you are asked to achieve. I had two of them in my Vista exam (one was a joke in terms of ease, but then again so was the exam overall) and thought to myself as I saw the simulator "this is exactly the right way to give an exam".
Frankly, I'm to the point in my career where I've taken SO many exams that I've learned the in's and out's of how to pass them (by and large), but I like that Microsoft is going to use more simulations on the exams. The part that I want to make certain of though is that that the RESULTS that are required are what they are testing on rather than the "Microsoft appropriate steps to complete the task" such as their way of getting to the Computer Manager screen rather than using shortcuts.
Who in their right minds actually works by going the long way around? What should be examined is simply is the required goal achieved?
Yes though, heavy certificates and DNS.
Microsoft's exams have gotten much harder since back in the NT 4.0 days that's for certain---===The darkest hour is just before the dawn of day===--- -
dynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
Frankly, I'm to the point in my career where I've taken SO many exams that I've learned the in's and out's of how to pass them (by and large)
Yea, I know what you mean. I basically passed 649 on intuition alone (I forget to reschedule and took it on a whim).
Congrats on the pass! -
Vicount Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
Thanks for the head's-up on the test concentrations.A good plan is essential because as you deviate (and you will deviate), it reminds you what the original goal was.