building solaris-based enterprise-class router-firewall project

rossonieri#1rossonieri#1 Member Posts: 799 ■■■□□□□□□□
hi guys,

it was interesting enough to learn about logical-routers and virtual-routers which also happens to be my interest on learning solaris zones nor solaris virtualization.

i'm just wondering if you guys interested to share a solaris project here : we learn to build an enterprise-level firewall utilizing solaris zones capability (or if we cant do that, we could use xen as an alternative approach).

so, who will join the rock band?

here are few resources from Sun on Solaris zones :
BigAdmin: Solaris Containers (Zones)

and, as a starter - we could use webmin as our tool to do it fast, and later - we break the whole steps one by one?

our goals :
1. build a basic solaris machine, mine is a x86 Solaris 10 VMWare emulated with couple of NICs.
2. build the zones, learn how they work for a while,
3. put some basic static routing for a test drive, learn their work too,
4. put some basic ipfilter - on the zones *if possible*, do the test & analyze it
5. put some dynamic routing *if possible*

and, if - that is if, this project can be done successfully, that FreeBSD XEN emulation seems always intimidating :)

consider a collaboration please :)
the More I know, that is more and More I dont know.


  • rossonieri#1rossonieri#1 Member Posts: 799 ■■■□□□□□□□
    ok, now we move on to break our 1 week crash course subject down 1 by 1, shall we? ;)

    day #1
    install & configure a basic solaris 10 system.

    requirement :
    1. vmware-server as our lab tool
    i have it under ubuntu 7.10 with 1GB RAM, single physical NIC

    optional though, you can use any of your favorite virtualization software like below :
    - qemu
    - virtualpc

    as long as they support multiple NICs config.

    2. solaris 10 source
    my newest solaris source was only a solaris SXCE nevada which i've requested from sun back

    at 2006/07 - cant remember it ;)

    the download site :

    3. create a basic solaris guest on the vmware-server
    mine is 8GB disk, 512MB RAM, 3 NICs in bridge-mode,
    using 3 NICs = we want to create a router-firewall right?

    so the scenario we'll going to get is like this (under VMWare-server) :
    pcn0 = global, LAN
    pcn1 = WAN
    pcn2 = DMZ

    install using basic console/text session - much easier, faster & economic,
    and since we only want to create routing & firewalling system - we can discard those JDE & GNOME desktop feature (optional, as you like) - so at least we have a little bit stripped
    down machine, but just dont forget to check that we need the zone and webmin apps for this lab purpose.

    the zone package is SUNWluzone
    the webmin package is SUNWwebminr

    by default both package will be installed under full software package installation.

    a full solaris 10 documentation :

    solaris zone-specific introduction is here :
    (we should read this part - a lot of useful information to understand the zone architecture)

    at this stage, we only need one NIC enable - so that we can do remote administration to configure the rest of the setup & use the sshd.

    after installation,
    1. check our installed NICs :
    # /usr/bin/X11/scanpci -v|grep AMD
     Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] 79c970 [PCnet32 LANCE]
     Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] 79c970 [PCnet32 LANCE]
     Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] 79c970 [PCnet32 LANCE]
    2. check the sshd, zone & webmin package :
    # pkginfo -l|grep webmin
       PKGINST:  SUNWwebminr
       PKGINST:  SUNWwebminu
    # pkginfo -l|grep zone
       PKGINST:  SUNWluzone
          NAME:  Live Upgrade (zones support)
          DESC:  Live Upgrade (zones support)
       PKGINST:  SUNWzoner
       PKGINST:  SUNWzoneu
    # pkginfo -l|grep sshd
       PKGINST:  SUNWsshdr
       PKGINST:  SUNWsshdu

    3. by default the sshd & webmin service are offline, so we should configure them to run :
    # svcs -a|grep ssh
    offline         14:08:33 svc:/network/ssh:default
    # svcs -a|grep webmin
    offline         14:08:35 svc:/application/management/webmin:default
    the sshd config file is under /etc/ssh
    the webmin setup executable is under /usr/sfw/bin/webminsetup -> just hit enter, and answer

    the question carefully ;)

    just dont forget to make backup copies before editing.

    make them start & running :

    svcadm enable ssh
    svcadm enable webmin

    if anything went wrong - the status will say *maintenance* nor just still offline. we can use svcs -xv to see the problem details

    if goes right :
    # svcs -a|grep ssh
    online         15:58:43 svc:/network/ssh:default
    # svcs -a|grep webmin
    online         15:58:35 svc:/application/management/webmin:default

    4. check the webmin via remote browser :


    if everything goes ok, then that was it - our day 1!!! ;)

    to be continue ...

    i'm not an expert here, so i could need some help if there are mistakes ;)
    the More I know, that is more and More I dont know.
  • rossonieri#1rossonieri#1 Member Posts: 799 ■■■□□□□□□□
    continue to day #2

    after we successfully install, configure our firewall requirement (the sshd, the webmin) - now we continue to create zones. and our job now is to read the solaris zone documentation, shall we? ;)

    the basic idea of solaris zone probably like this :
    |                    |
    |                    |
    |                    |
       NIC#1   2     3

    now, that box is our basic solaris system - and is called the global zone (global container) under solaris zone term.

    by default, all the NICs (and any new additional NICs installed) belong to the global zone.

    a child zone or called as non-global zone (that is the zone that we manually create) can have independent system resources or a shared one - that is controlled using system resource management function - but is beyond our scope for now ;)

    now, as our project : a 3-legs router-firewall,
    so we create 2 additional zones beside the default global zone, and give each of the zone a NIC.

    so that will be :
    global zone (LAN), NIC#1
    WAN zone, NIC#2
    DMZ zone, NIC#3

    just make sure that we can reach our solaris system in case anything went wrong - so that is why i prefer to put the LAN as the global zone and having the 1st NIC.

    now the system will look like this :
    |        |---| |---| |
    |global  |WAN| |DMZ| |
    |        |   | |   | |
       NIC#1   2     3

    we create those new zones using the webmin. the webmin's solaris zone module is installed under the system tab :

    go to system > solaris zones

    you'll be prompted that there are no zones configured. now we create them :)
    WAN using NIC#2 : ip addr
    DMZ using NIC#3 : ip addr

    caution : dont put your NIC#1 here under the new zone.

    just for verification,
    the global zone (LAN) : ip addr your_LAN

    the process will be straight forward, so i hope you get the idea. by default, all the zones reside under /zones directory.

    if you use the cli - there are 3 main zone-related command :
    1. zonename -> zonename listing
    2. zonecfg -> to create new zones
    3. zoneadm -> to administer the created zones

    ok, after we created the non-global zones (additional WAN & DMZ), lets take a look :
    # zoneadm list -vc
      ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
       0 global           running    /                              native   shared
       2 DMZ              running    /zones/DMZ                     native   shared
       1 WAN              running    /zones/WAN                     native   shared

    ok, looks good :)
    now, try to logging in to the non-global zone :

    #zlogin WAN

    and, now - we take some obeservation how does the zone actually work.

    that was it, our day#2!!!

    to be continue ...
    the More I know, that is more and More I dont know.
  • UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    this is very interesting, I never used Webmin (or any tool for that matter), and I've never used Solaris as a Firewall or Router either.

    We usually configure zones to create machines for developers.

    by the way, to check all your available network interfaces:
    # dladm show-dev

    And to see all your zones:
    # zoneadm list -iv

    looking forward your Router and Firewall configuration.

    I have a machine already configure with two zones, I might copy your firewall and router config and test them :)

    Learn GRC! GRC Mastery : 

  • rossonieri#1rossonieri#1 Member Posts: 799 ■■■□□□□□□□
    hi unixguy,

    thanks for the support btw :)

    what i dont get is i want to revise my day#1 post - but the page always got rejected?
    there are a couple of things that i want to fix on the day#1 especially the webmin part.
    the More I know, that is more and More I dont know.
  • UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    I have never ever worked on it.

    But tell me what things do you want to edit ? or you mean you want to edit your post in the forum here?

    Learn GRC! GRC Mastery : 

  • rossonieri#1rossonieri#1 Member Posts: 799 ■■■□□□□□□□

    after a massive documentations search, and pretty constructive discussions with Sun engineers - i'll continue the project after this b115 download.

    a slight diagram modification - but overall scenario is very inspiring ;)

    cheers :)
    the More I know, that is more and More I dont know.
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