Certificate progg with Univ of washington

Hey Guys....whats your take on this progg...Was thinking of taking a course to gain knowledge and have it on my resume as well......le me know ur thoughts on this...have a nice weekend

KeyBank Professional Development Center - IT Security Certificate


  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,094 Admin
    This "IT Security Certificate" is a certificate of completion for a series of university courses, not an actual IT certification. You should find some people online who have attended and reviewed these classes to get a good idea if they are worth taking.
  • nangananga Member Posts: 201
    JDMurray wrote: »
    This "IT Security Certificate" is a certificate of completion for a series of university courses, not an actual IT certification. You should find some people online who have attended and reviewed these classes to get a good idea if they are worth taking.

    Thanks for the inpu JD....Agreed its dosent end up earning any industry rescognised"certificate"...but does the syllabus look competent.
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