Blackberry Storm upgrade

RTmarcRTmarc Member Posts: 1,082 ■■■□□□□□□□
For those of you that have the Blackberry Storm, Verizon released a major upgrade over the weekend. Should take you from .75 up to .148. Many fixes and enhancements. Took right at 45 minutes to complete but seems to work much better after the installation.


  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I suppose I could check the Crackberry forums, but I dread them for some reason. How do those of you that have this version like it? I'm on a previously leaked/tweaked version and do not have .148 currently. I've heard mixed reports from a lot of my users with Storms that they are getting terrible battery life since the release, while others haven't noticed a change (could be heavy users and light users, not sure).
  • RTmarcRTmarc Member Posts: 1,082 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'm getting better battery life after the upgrade. Overall it looks to be a solid update. My phone is a lot more responsive and has yet to freeze anywhere so far.
  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Well I reverted back to default (.75) today, went great. Then I downloaded the .148 package from Verizon and installed. Went well, phone reboot and finished up - no probs. Went to check voicemail that must have came in while the radio was off during the upgrade and the keypad wouldn't open thus I couldn't enter my password. Couldn't get it back so I had to do a battery pull and that's when things get interesting.

    Upon inserting the battery, my Storm does not attempt to boot and is stuck in a perpetual state of vibration.

    Funny, I didn't see "Turns your Blackberry Storm into a *** toy" on the change log for the .148 release. Replaced the phone and the new one came with .148 - so far so good.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    Myself and a co-worker upgraded to .148 last Wednesday when the update was released. The Storm seems to operate more smoothly and has a few new "helping" features when browsing and editing text. I don't notice increased battery life, but I did occasionally get a "power leak" (runaway background program?) that could only be fixed by pulling the battery. We'll see if the upgrade fixes that.

    So far the only post-upgrade "mystery glitch" was my Storm spontaneously rebooting itself when I was poking through my Gmail. It never did that with the older firmware, and so far it has only happened once with the new.

    My personal upgrade story is in finding a way to clear enough application memory on the Storm for the upgrade to be performed. After downloading and verifying the upgrade, my Storm popped up a message and said that it didn't have enough free application memory to perform the upgrade and was clearing unneeded personal data (or something like that). After a few minutes, it indicated that it still needed another 12MB of free app memory and that I should remove more personal data.

    I could see in Options/Memory that I had 850MB/14.6GB free on my media cards and only 8MB of free app memory. I removed a bunch of email, messages, unused videos and MP3 files--all of which only freed up only 200K more of app memory. My co-worker suggested that installed programs eat up app memory regardless if they are running or not. I went through my Downloads and Applications folder and removed every installed app that I did not use. Doing this, I increased my free app memory space to 25MB and the upgrade when smoothly.

    The Storm OS Discussion - BlackBerry Forums at forum has a great thread on bricking and unbricking your Storm with the upgrade.
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