Does Anyone Know Someone Who Works at Adobe, Specifically in the AS3 Group?

SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
My company does a lot of work in Adobe Flash, particularly in developing ActionScript code. We've run into a lot of problems with the inherent nature of Flash, with errors in how it handles certain code and actions, (read, "how it does math like a mentally-challenged chimp,") and quite a few other things we'd love to talk to Adobe directly about. Sadly, Adobe seems to be spending some time in the Cone of Silence, and our pleas fall on deaf ears.

Does anyone know someone who works for Adobe that could get us in touch with the ActionScript 3 group so we can exchange some ideas on how to fix these issues? (Some of the issues, like handling matrices, are just plain frustrating and inexplicable.)

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