So I gave in and got a Palm Pre.

pwjohnstonpwjohnston Member Posts: 441
I finally gave in and joined the 21st century of phone users and bough a Palm Pre. I have to say that it is easily the best phone I have ever owned and I’ve only had it less than three days. Hopefully I don't jynx myself saying this.

I was on the fence about getting an iPhone. There were just too many things that I just couldn’t give into.

1 It’s not bad enough Apple nickel and dimes you, but AT&T seems to be right up in there. The Sprint everything data was 99/mo while the comparable AT&T plan was around 150/mo.

2. On all the coverage maps I pulled up AT&T always had more dead spots in Philly and Manhattan (the two places I usually am) than Sprint. The only place I ever drop a call is the stairwell in my APT complex.

3. MultiTasking. The iPhone simply just doesn’t have it. WebOS is so easy and intuitive to use.

4. Equipment replacement. As far as I can tell AT&T does not offer any total equipment replacement. With sprint it’s 7 bucks a month and $100 deductible, regardless of what happens to my phone.

5. The iPhone is just locked down so tight and I just don’t feel like jailbreaking a $600 dollar piece of equipment I can’t replace easily.

6. Just about everyone I talk to is on Sprint. I really don’t get that, but I don’t complain.

7. Night minuets start at 7pm (6pm for $5 more) with Sprint. 9pm for AT&T.

8. Free GPS WITH traffic notifications!!!!!! Out here that is a life saver.

9. $100 dollars to have a *genius* replace a battery for me. . . . . I don’t think so.

The only real thing the iPhone had going for it was the APP store, but hey, when the iPhone and Android launched they had 0 apps as well.

And the additional space, but I’m pissed at both Palm and Apple for not having an SD slot.

Jebus it’s a nice looking phone!


iPhone vs. Palm Pre War of Best Smart Phone. | Featured

Most of what I don’t like about the Pre can be fixed in a software update. Bluetooth Voice Dialing, hello????

And battery life, well it sucks, but it’s a data phone so I kind of anticipated that. I doubt the iPhone is better there either. It was already charged when they pulled it out of the box so ya I’m not so sure about that. It charged for a half an hour Saturday (2pm) and by 2am is was drained. In it’s defense I couldn’t stay off it.

The OEM battery is 1150 mah so I will defiantly be upgrading to the 1350.


  • paintb4707paintb4707 Member Posts: 420
    I'm really dying to pick one up myself. Unfortunately I'm stuck with ATT until next November I think... otherwise I'll be forking out the cash for the phone on top of the $175 service cancellation fee.

    My hugest concern is that I need to be happy with the phone since Sprint doesn't have the greatest selection of phones. I don't want to find myself getting charged another cancellation fee and running back to ATT.

    Why'd they have to choose Sprint? icon_sad.gif
  • pwjohnstonpwjohnston Member Posts: 441
    paintb4707 wrote: »
    Why'd they have to choose Sprint? icon_sad.gif

    Well personally I think it's BS that cell phones are provider specific. If I by a Sony TV i can use it with Comcast, Verizon, Direct TV, etc.

    If they all weren't such greedy bastards. I already had Sprint so it's a good reason not to leave.
  • arwesarwes Member Posts: 633 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I jumped on the Sprint Employee Referral Offer last year, and canceled it within 3 days. icon_sad.gif I hear their service is getting a bit better in my area, but as soon as you're outside the city limits goodbye signal. It's pretty bad when you're on the phone with a CSR trying to activate your account and they're constantly saying WHAT? Your phone is breaking up! icon_lol.gif
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    What's left: Graduation![/size]
  • pwjohnstonpwjohnston Member Posts: 441
    I will say in the past Sprint has been patchy. This is based off me having lived in Kansas City now Philadelphia, and traveling to NYC, Las Vegas, LA, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, and Chicago. But I know that most of the plans offer free roaming so that shouldn’t be an issue at all. But I can’t attest to that in Lousiana. I do know that I have family in BFE Kansas and I use to never get a signal, but the last few years I’ve gone home to visit I’ve been fine.

    On another note.

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