Aggrigating ADSL Lines

DjScientistDjScientist Member Posts: 68 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi guys..I have 4 ADSL lines which are idle and recently i was asked to aggrigate those lines to make them one for speed and increased cap.We have a 4 port aggrigator and its working just fine but when i put a firewall device,WatchGuard,nothing passes through.I then asked some few guys in the industry and the somehow cite some issues with WatchGuard when using aggrigator.At the end,one guy recommended me to use a Linux Machine as my firewalla instead of a physical firewall device..Now this is where the problem arises,am not very convesant with Linux and i am not very sure which version will make a good firewall where i can restrict what goes in my network.I remember one guy helped me with that but i was not very much involved.Can anyone help me or any recommendation/advice on how to aggrigate those 4 lines and place my firewall immediately after them?

Thank You
Working on 293:


  • breakerbreaker Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Try Smoothwall

    Screenshots -

    similar layout to seting up routers etc.
  • BADfish10BADfish10 Member Posts: 88 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I doubt that a watch guard is so bad that you can’t use an aggregator with it sounds like you need to spend some time understanding what is happening and configuring your devices to play nice.

    First off what are you trying to use the links for?
    Is there inbound traffic over these links or are you using them purely for internet browsing?

    Do these lines (any of them) have static IP address’s or are any dynamic?
    I am assuming that the aggregator itself sits behind 4 ADSL modems is this all configured correctly. Although you can get the aggregator to work without the firewall this dose not necessary mean it /modems are configured correctly "I have had this" .

    Are the modems in pass through mode IE: the IP address assigned by your ISP Terminated onto your Aggregator or are you using the modem/Routers internal IP address to pass traffic through to the out side world.

    If you give the make model and some more details about your setup someone on here might be able to give you a hand. I know from experience there are a bunch of caveats with using Aggregators but needing to use a linux firewall/proxy to get them working securely is not one!

    I have got it working on a Cisco 18xx without much trouble and am fairly sure one of my work mates has one working through a watch guard some where else.

    Read the Documentation, Understand what you want, Update the forum with what ever details you have if you are still having issues.

    Good luck

  • DjScientistDjScientist Member Posts: 68 ■■□□□□□□□□
    BADfish10 wrote: »
    I doubt that a watch guard is so bad that you can’t use an aggregator with it sounds like you need to spend some time understanding what is happening and configuring your devices to play nice.

    First off what are you trying to use the links for?
    Is there inbound traffic over these links or are you using them purely for internet browsing?

    Do these lines (any of them) have static IP address’s or are any dynamic?
    I am assuming that the aggregator itself sits behind 4 ADSL modems is this all configured correctly. Although you can get the aggregator to work without the firewall this dose not necessary mean it /modems are configured correctly "I have had this" .

    Are the modems in pass through mode IE: the IP address assigned by your ISP Terminated onto your Aggregator or are you using the modem/Routers internal IP address to pass traffic through to the out side world.

    If you give the make model and some more details about your setup someone on here might be able to give you a hand. I know from experience there are a bunch of caveats with using Aggregators but needing to use a linux firewall/proxy to get them working securely is not one!

    I have got it working on a Cisco 18xx without much trouble and am fairly sure one of my work mates has one working through a watch guard some where else.

    Read the Documentation, Understand what you want, Update the forum with what ever details you have if you are still having issues.

    Good luck


    First of all,thank you very much BADfish10 for that detailed information.I guese i needed to explain further.I will try to answer some of the questions so that you can understand.

    i have 4 ADSL lines each connected to a modem,that means 4 modems,4 IP Addresses and 4 telephone lines.I need to aggrigate these into 1 high speed internet line. All IP addresses are static.The aggrigator(Edimax Broadband Router,Multi Homing) that i have have is very simple with 5 ports,WAN 1,WAN 2,WAN 3,WAN 4 and a LAN Port.Thats means all of these f4 modems will go into each WAN port and a cable from the LAN to my network via Firewall (Watchguard).Mind you,i have 2 ISA server, ISA sever 1 for internet and ISA server 2(Mail server) which uses a leased line.Now this is where am having problem,if i run a LAN cable from the aggregator straight to the network via a switch without a firewall device,the internet works just fine but if i do the same configuration but including the WatchGuard,i can't get any internet.I have tried all the configuration but i was not successful thats why i posted it here for help/advice.I will try to go through the documention one more time and see if it i can get it right but for the mean time,any suggestion will do.Some guys i said i cannot use Watchguard with Aggrigator and ISA servers,i don't know how true is that.

    In any case,i need to come uo with a solution..Should there be anything that i need to explain further,please let me know and thank you very much for the contribution everyone.

    To BADfish10-Do you know any of your friends specifically who managed to work the aggrigator with the WatchGuard without any problem?The model of the aggrigator? I have Cisco 2600 series and 2800

    Thank You
    Working on 293:
  • DjScientistDjScientist Member Posts: 68 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hi again,anybody managed to find anything?Am still stuck.

    thank You
    Working on 293:
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