Subnetting: Wendell Odom vs CBT's Jeremy Cioara

MachX85MachX85 Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
I have read through Wendell Odom's CCENT book (Official Exam Certification Guide)
a couple times.

I have now gone through the CBT nugget videos by Jeremy Cioara.

on the topic of subnetting, I noticed Wendells book goes into great detail and there are some topics he gets on that Jeremy does not.

one is Boolean ANDing
the other is VLSM

CBT Jeremy says you dont need to know VLSM until ICND2 and manages to explain subnetting without mentioning Boolean ANDing.

If I am comfortable with the way Jeremy teaches subnetting should I just go with it?

using the book it takes me much longer to get familiar with the described subnetting techniques, probably because every step has to be written down and a video can go through it much faster.


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