Lag problem

pLuhhmmpLuhhmm Member Posts: 146
Okay, so I figured out, well sorta, why my cs freezes randomly for a second. The way I have my network setup is:


Im almost 100% sure that the problem are the hubs. I figured that out by direct connection to the modem and with the router.

Since Im on hub2, the lagg makes the game unplayable.

Anyone know of anyway to make my connection better? I cant buy any new equipment.

The network is setup this way b/c the network spands across the house and the modem and my room are as far away as they can be.
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  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    If you are using an actual hub, not a switch with an incorrect name, then there is nothing you can really do to solve your problem except purchase new equipment (switches).

    Assuming you are using switches, not hubs, how long are the cables connecting them? Have you tried using different ports and/or cables to connect your equipment in case you have a faulty cable and/or port?

    *Edit: if you really are using hubs, and cannot afford to get cheap switches instead, can you at least run a cable direct from your PC to the router (assuming it's 100 meters or less away)? Most routers would have several ports available and cable is fairly cheap - but then again, switches can be had very cheap as well.
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    Last time I saw an actual hub for sale was years ago. Nearly everything since then has been a switch and this includes general consumer equipment you can pick up at most stores.

    If they really are hubs and you've got other devices connected to those hubs then I guess you could be getting a crazy amount of collisions but even so, it is a little unusual. Go check the cabling you've got first.
  • pLuhhmmpLuhhmm Member Posts: 146
    Yeah, theyre hubs. My big ol 50 port switch died a while back, so I replaced it with a couple hubs. It works perfectly for everything besides when I try and play half life: CS.

    I would run my pc directly to the router, but I dont have enough cables. Its just to far. It has to be like 100ft~ to direct connect to the router ): Whats weird, is I never notice anything when Im playing on my 360.

    I was gonna move the modem and router to my room, but the modem doesnt work with the coaxil cable thats hooked up to my TV. I guess the modem has a different signal ): It would have solved everything too.

    Thats whats going to waste ):
    Ever wonder what makes special sauce so special? YO!
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    How about a wireless solution? I normally advise against wireless anything (network, keyboard, mouse) for FPS gaming, but in your case a wireless NIC and access point will probably perform better than your current equipment.
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    Buy some cheap switches :P You don't need a 50 port monster at home...
  • pLuhhmmpLuhhmm Member Posts: 146
    See, I thought using the wifi on my laptop would be better, but I dont get a full signal so it still happens and theres no difference.

    Also, I got that 50 port switch for free some how. One of my sisters friends dad gave it to my sister and I ninjaed it from her. RIP switchy ):
    Ever wonder what makes special sauce so special? YO!
  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Is that the Thomson Course Technology Novell Netware book I see?

    I had to go through that same book for a class at my college, what a waste of 4 credits.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    pLuhhmm wrote: »
    See, I thought using the wifi on my laptop would be better, but I dont get a full signal so it still happens and theres no difference.
    There's no difference in CS performance between your Wi-Fi and wired network connections? The problem might be with your laptop then. Can you walk your laptop near the router so you can try playing CS with a six-foot cable? If the lag problem is still present then it might only take a disk defrag, more free memory, or an adjustment using DrTCP (on XP and eariler only) to fix.
  • t49t49 Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
    pLuhhmm wrote: »
    Yeah, theyre hubs. My big ol 50 port switch died a while back, so I replaced it with a couple hubs. It works perfectly for everything besides when I try and play half life: CS.

    I would run my pc directly to the router, but I dont have enough cables. Its just to far. It has to be like 100ft~ to direct connect to the router ): Whats weird, is I never notice anything when Im playing on my 360.

    I was gonna move the modem and router to my room, but the modem doesnt work with the coaxil cable thats hooked up to my TV. I guess the modem has a different signal ): It would have solved everything too.

    Thats whats going to waste ):

    From a cabling stand point. you can go to home depot for example and purchases ome cat5e cable (if you dont have any device to measure the distance take a good educated guess and add about 40 ft to that) and and install the cable for a direct run to the router. (the maximum distance is 325 ft for 100 mb ethernet connection with cat5e.)

    To address the coxial cable: Most service providers use a splitter that has a connection specifically for your internet line. If you want to move your modem you can either install the RG6 coxial cable yourself and call the cable company to relocate the cable (this is assuming you have one splitter at the demarc point of your cable providers connection, some houses have more splitters beyond the demarc point, which means you have to get up in your attic/ceiling or check your boardings around the house and go splitter hunting).
  • pLuhhmmpLuhhmm Member Posts: 146
    Yeah, that book was for my novell online class.. Biggest pain in my ass ever. It was easy b/c all I had to do was follow what the book said, but, VPN was not my friend during this course and the teacher changed directions randomly. ):,,,

    Anyway, I think I forgot to try wifi in the same room as the router, I'll go do that right now.

    I mean, CS would do this sometimes with my old switch and eventually to the point I just stopped playing. But I figured it was b/c of my laptop overheating (my god, when I cleaned it, I thought someone was physically clogging my vent on purpose.) But I fixed that by cleaning it, removing the bottom parts where the heat was the most and buying a notebook fan. Now my temps are where they should be.

    Maybe Ill get my dad to get our ISP out here to move the modem and then Ill just reverse the network positioning. Or I can gather some money up and just get one big ass cat5e cable and have it travel from the router, underneath the house, and up where my cabletv is at.

    Oh, I also PF all the ports for CS just in case, never had to before, but..... with my luck.
    Ever wonder what makes special sauce so special? YO!
  • pLuhhmmpLuhhmm Member Posts: 146
    Okay, I moved my laptop within 5 ft of the router and there is no freezing occurring, just like I figured.

    Okay, apparently, my hubs are actually switches... But when I bought it off newegg, they were "hubs"... this is so dumb.

    like $2 after MIR. But it was like $15 when we bought it.. So it must be just a bad quality switch -.-
    Ever wonder what makes special sauce so special? YO!
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