IE 7.0 on TS Windows Server 2008 crashes

PiotrIrPiotrIr Member Posts: 236

Could you help me to resolve following problem please?
I have Terminal Server installed on Windows Server 2008 64 bit. Sometimes when I click link in remote outlook (all users get the same issue) IE stops responding. It happens quite offer and doesn’t depend of link. Sometimes I need to click one link three times to get it opened in IE.

Taken actions:
1. Scan system using Forefront Security – no spyware found
2. Reset IE settings – no results
3. Install new available patches – no results
4. Disable all Add-ons IE

Has somebody else had similar issue?
Many thanks for your help.

In event view is logged following error:
Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 02/07/2009 10:47:57
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: xxxxxx
Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.6001.18248, time stamp 0x49f1c24f, faulting module SHELL32.dll, version 6.0.6001.18167, time stamp 0x4912ecfb, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x000884e9, process id 0x31c, application start time 0x01c9fafa2da35cf7.


Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Date: 02/07/2009 10:48:02
Event ID: 1001
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: xxx
Fault bucket 601424524, type 5
Event Name: BEX
Response: None
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: iexplore.exe
P2: 7.0.6001.18248
P3: 49f1c24f
P4: SHELL32.dll
P5: 6.0.6001.18167
P6: 4912ecfb
P7: 000884e9
P8: c0000005
P9: 00000008


Windows NT Version 6.0 Build: 6001 Service Pack 1
Product (0xa): Windows Server (R) 2008 Enterprise
Edition: ServerEnterprise
BuildString: 6001.18226.amd64fre.vistasp1_gdr.090302-1506
Flavor: Multiprocessor Free
Architecture: X64
LCID: 1033


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