ISA published websites not available on MACS?

liddaneliddane Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
A member of the public has recently called the authority I work for to let us know that all of our websites are unavailable on Macs. This has only recently started to happen.

Strangley, any secure site usuing ssl (like our webmail) is available.

All of our sites are published using ISA 2004.

To test this I have set up a MAC on an external connection. I also have a PC on the external connection, both are connected to a small home router - so both have the same External IP.

When running logging on the ISA box, I can see requests from the PC for websites, and I can see requests for secure sites from the MAC, but when I try any normal webpages from the MAC, the ISA box doesnt show any requests at all.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    "Upgrade" the Macs to PCs icon_lol.gif

    So you're saying it only happens for HTTP and not HTTPS? Are you publishing anything else like FTP, POP/IMAP, etc.? If so, do those protocols work?
  • Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    Are you using the same browser on both boxes? If you're using Safari on the Mac, that's probably the source of your issues. For our company, it was a common complaint that Safari had issues and it wouldn't work properly. Works fine with Firefox on a Mac, however.

    Do your comparison with Firefox on both platforms, that should give you an idea whether it's the platform or the site that's the issue.
  • JordusJordus Banned Posts: 336
    I agree with Forsaken, its likely a Safari issue.

    Safari sucks.
  • Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    if it just started recently, I'd put even more money on Safari being the culprit. They tightened up some stuff in Webkit and broke a few third party apps as a result.

    And my initial response was kind of non-sensical. It should have been more like this - it's been a common complaint among customers that our company's website doesn't work in Safari. It's a custom coded php ajaxy mishmash. For a long time, the official stance was that the only browser we aimed for compatibility with was Firefox. That dictum has recently changed, apparently enough folks are using Webkit based browsers now that the programmers were mandated to make it work.
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    Safari 4 was released a few weeks ago so maybe...
  • Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    Hey, wasn't me! I love MacOS but only use Safari when I'm testing web sites via host file edits so I don't have to close Firefox :)
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    Run a packet sniffer like Wireshark on the Mac and try going to your site. See what is actually being sent and received.

    As for Safari, I've found it to be fine. I personally use Firefox but I don't see anything wrong with Safari. It is WebKit which is a cleaned up and enhanced KHTML and used in quite a few other applications now so regularly testing with it is a good idea. The only complaint I've got about Safari is the fact that Apple keep trying to stealth install it on PCs via the iTunes/QuickTime updater.
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