Question about RHCT

I have a question regarding these exams. Is it strictly command line? or using the GUI is also allowed
darkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
Check the prep guide:
Look at how many times command-line is referenced compared to GUI. -
sudo Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
It doesn't really matter what is on the exam or not. In the real world, you won't always have a means to access the gui and/or access the gui programs via X redirection. Instead you'll spend the majority of the time in an ssh session connected to remote hosts which may be miles away. Also consider this, the gui environment is only available to you in run level you'll only be effective in one run level and if your machine can't boot it, you're going to be killing time reading man pages. -
Therhino Member Posts: 122
I am currently in the rhct course this week... They kind of push the gui a lot but like sudo said you need to know command line. With that being said a majority of my class is lost beyond the gui and the instructor pointed out there is a whole lot of time wasted using the gui rather than just using the command line. THe only thing they really pushed hard for the gui has been cups -
darkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
The RHCT is more about desktop/workstation support than server support, btw, so it's assumed you'll have local access. Just noting that to clear the air.