
If there is anyone who lives in the New Orleans area...

Agent6376Agent6376 Member Posts: 201
There are currently two field agent positions currently available.

Scopes of work include:

*Virus and spyware removal
*SOHO Networking
*End User training (Office/Digital Photography/General computer usage)
*New PC/Mac setups

You will come across other scenarios than what I described above, but for the most part those are the services you'll perform on a day to day basis. This position does not require any certifications and it's a great way to get some hands on experience to anyone who wants to get some great field experience.

*You must have a clean driving record in order to qualify. By clean I mean no two "at fault" accidents or moving violations in the last two years.

They currently do not have the job posted on the website, so if you're interested you can PM me here or email me at joseph.coakley@cox.net
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