
Question about "you" and a funny link...

jbrad95706jbrad95706 Member Posts: 225
So, I’m happily chugging along in my CCNA studies; however, the other day when I was thinking about how exactly to setup my lab – I realized I know very little about network design. I assume as I work down the path to IE *crosses fingers* I will learn a lot more than I know now, and I know that the DA/DP are design certs.

The question I have is – at what point did it all start to click for YOU, at what point did you realize that you could tie most of the ends together, and really sit down, draft up, and implement a mid to enterprise level infrastructure? icon_confused.gif:

I really started thinking about this when I realized that I’m not the only one that doesn’t have a clue, Rate My Network Diagram is a really enlightening, fun, and interesting site (You can click on the size networks you want to see on the right.) – it made me feel better about my design / Visio skills. Oh, and if you’re a tech geek you might get a kick out of the Funny Diagrams section. icon_lol.gif


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