Kind of funny job hunt story

7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
In light of my impending graduation next week (B.A.S. Network Security and Forensics) I started looking for jobs about 3 weeks ago. I was planning on having to move to get a good job and was looking around Atlanta and DC.

Then I saw a job opening at a place I worked for as a temp at the beginning of the year for about 4 months. I was on a temporary help desk and the contract ran out. This new job was a permanent position in accounts processing and a friend of mine who is still there and knows the guy that is leaving the position told me he thought it paid like $25/hr. That would be great for me, so I went ahead and applied for it.

The next day they e-mailed me a "pre-screening questionnaire" which I filled out. One of the questions was about your target pay rate. Knowing what they were paying the other guy, but being willing to start out at less I put $20.

The next day I got another e-mail replying "This position pays $23-24/hr. Are you still interested?"

I was really cracking up laughing at that. What am I gonna say, "No. I won't budge from $20!" LOL

I know that that's not really what they meant, but it just struck me as hilarious.

I guess it's a good sign at least as another class mate who did the pre-screen thing got back a "Thank you, but we are not interested in you" type of e-mail. Hopefully they'll arrange an interview early next week.



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