Who is frustrated with today's software/Device Vendors?

itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
This is my issue among many (icon_lol.gif). I got this Logitec Wilife Surveillance Camera system. It promised all this great stuff it can do.

For example, on the box and on the add it says it can do text message alerts. Okay I get this system and in the software it has options to send video clip, and or snap shot of the motion detected alert. You know if someone where to break in it would detect the motion and send me a text message along with the video clip or snap shot of the event (whichever I had chosen at the config window. Doesnt even work. I call Logitec, they say for some this option doesn't work? I said why? what SP? what OS what is causing this. I would like a snap shot of the event that caused this alert like the box said. But the box said text message alerts (generic)
but the software and manual say snap shot/video clip. I mean I see this all the time. The Frustrating part is I get so pissed off about the fact the crap should just work if they say it works and you follow exactly what they say as far as system requirements and all it should freaking work.
Now I have a customer who is very disappointed and also the command center freezes up once in awhile. I fixed that but jerryrigged it but it works. Just I seen many huge companies have so many issues. They are shooting software and devices out so much to keep their profit margins high but after you buy it, you find out that it is half arsed finished?
Can anyone give me some advice. I mean I have been choosing decent companies but LogiTec???and even Microsoft promises great stuff (Vista example) but these products have been so lame and not up to what the box and manual says it can do. And then me being almost a perfectionist (
except in my writing and spelling icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif) in my craft of IT, I am a perfectionist and want the system to do what they promised. And even 1 more thing, we changed to and ISP to use their Cloud so to speak and have so many issues now they we are using them as the Cloud, and we also are now hosting our website on another hosting plateform. They promised so much uptime it wasnt funny. Every 2 weeks the site is down.
WT??????Why are people promising so much and falling short. And
how can I keep my sanity???Help....I am just getting so pissed of lately
at companies saying their stuff can do this and that and when you get it 1/2 or 2/3 works only and their are working on the rest.

The best product that we have that worked right out of box and is still working with NO bugs is MailMarshall our spam filter system. Freaking easy to use, very powerful, and never has issues..even with their updates.

Anyone experience this frustration or am I just nutz icon_lol.gif


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    itdaddy wrote: »
    Anyone experience this frustration or am I just nutz icon_lol.gif

    Why do you make it sound like those are mutually exclusive? ;)
  • nelnel Member Posts: 2,859 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I always like to read one of your rants Robert! They always make me laugh :D

    ...i know what you mean though sometimes.
    Xbox Live: Bring It On

    Bsc (hons) Network Computing - 1st Class
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  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    haaah very funny man very funny; man you have some great one liners hahha;)

    thanks for making me laugh!
  • skrpuneskrpune Member Posts: 1,409
    I put my obsessive compulsive tendencies to good use when purchasing a new product for myself or someone at work...I research the bejebus out of it before buying. I've been burned before by lofty promises, but it's usually a case of buyer-beware - know what you're buying & what other folks out there think of the product before you spend your (or your client's) hard earned money.
    Currently Studying For: Nothing (cert-wise, anyway)
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  • arwesarwes Member Posts: 633 ■■■□□□□□□□
    God I need to get some coffee. I read that as Wife Surveillance System.
    [size=-2]Started WGU - BS IT:NDM on 1/1/13, finished 12/31/14
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  • skrpuneskrpune Member Posts: 1,409
    arwes wrote: »
    God I need to get some coffee. I read that as Wife Surveillance System.
    crap, they have those now? I gotta start behaving... ;)
    Currently Studying For: Nothing (cert-wise, anyway)
    Next Up: Security+, 291?

    Enrolled in Masters program: CS 2011 expected completion
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    you are very funny tooo; haahah;) yeah I am very honest and tell it like it is..I know you guys get ticked too at crap! But Logitec???

    hahhhaahhah omg that is funny as haties! hahhaahhahaaah


    I did and I am very **** about that (can i say ****???) and I look reviews up and everyone says good bad of things and seems good. the camera system does the bare bones of what the box says but in the manual
    and in the software it false way short.. I mean you guys know what I mean. It is just companies want to keep those big $ bucks up for their CEOs and share holders so they can buy a chef for their million dollar poodles! Companies should be companies behind their product and of their word. If they say it does this, it should do it. Not oh we are working on a patch or that feature doesnt work for some folks (then fixk it or tell me whay it doesnt).

    Like my LG Scoop phone. I had to hand it in for a recall, it has been over a month nothing! You call LG and nothing...Doesnt anyone debug anymore? or do you just keep pumping out sheeeet!

    That is all i am saying..I need a vacation to some island maybe san andres! huh? doesnt anyone else just get tired of crap service and crap software even from the big dogs!(companies) or is it just me and my white hot temper! hahaah hahahaa hah icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

    but you guys are so funny
    and yeah Nel, I can get very carried away! I am a good conversationalist! hahaahahaha;)

    the wilife is decent but doesnt do all the bells and wissles, and I have had to jerryrig the software to work right with no real help from logitec. it can be done but when you pay 250.00 USD per camera you had better get software that works out of the darn box! ;) that is all I am saying

    and if anyone can relate thanks that way I dont feel too stupid! and feel like I need anger management ! haahaahahahahicon_redface.gif
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    Firstly, it is Logitech and not Logitec or LogiTec. The text message feature consists of you using the email system to send a message to a email -> SMS gateway. The software only helps you by remembering a list of gateways for the major providers and allowing you to type in a number into the relevant box. From the screenshots of the command center application, it does appear to have this advertised feature. If you don't have a gateway available for your provider then you can't use it.
    Logitech wrote:
    If your cell phone provider is not shown in the drop-down list, you can always enter your full cell phone email address in the upper section of the form, under Email Address. For example, you could enter ‘8015551212@mobile.mycingular.com’ as the destination email address.

    I'm not sure what Microsoft promised you in Vista that wasn't actually delivered. Whilst it wasn't a particularly popular version of Windows, it did what it needed to and worked fine with no major issues.

    Hosting something on an ISPs servers doesn't mean it is cloud computing. If the hosting provider has a SLA in their contract with you then it is time to talk to them.
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    From my experience of CCTV systems, the home or SOHO systems like this Logitech package aren't particularly great. It appears that Logitech purchased the company that is selling this system and it wasn't originally developed by them.

    The home/SOHO systems will have multiple limitations or bugs in the software. If you want it done properly then calling in a specialist company and getting them to provide the necessary hardware is pretty much the only way IMO.
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    hey nel
    ahah I hope to finish the 290 and 291this year as soon as I do that
    you and I will be tied with certs and degrees ahhaaah that is funnyicon_cheers.gif
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