Remedy Admins\Developers

rfult001rfult001 Member Posts: 407
Anyone around here an admin or developer for BMC AR System Remedy software? I was given the opportunity to develop and administer the system when we upgraded to 7.1. Now I am testing 7.5, finding ways to leverage what we have, and where we can use other modules. I am having a blast playing with this and learning a bit about ITIL along the way. :)


  • 9MMMAC9MMMAC Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Naw... I just used it when I was slaving away at my first job as a help desk flunkie. We did have some nice lighweight custom HTML (?) stuff that pulled up info from AD. It followed our call script and then populated the fields; much quicker to <tab> than run a mouse all over the place. But it also "dumbed down' the system because lots of people began to forget how and where to do stuff "behind the scenes." Remedy is incredibly powerful though, but way expensive. I see some jobs for Remedy developers on Dice and such every now and then. Hope you have good luck!
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