Help with Fedora 11.................

NetworkingStudentNetworkingStudent Member Posts: 1,407 ■■■■■■■■□□
I have a couple of questions regarding Fedora 11. First one being that I installed the Fedora 11 operating system on Virtual Box, and it runs a little slow, which is ok, but I have trouble installing software. Linux calls software ”packages”, I can add “packages”, but I can never install them. After reading the user guide documents, I find out that the Live disk of Fedora 11 that I’m running doesn’t allow anyone to install software. Also, I have tried logging in as the root and super user, and I still can’t install the programs. I have tried finding other editions of Fedora 11,but I think you have to pay for those. Are there any Linux experts out there, that can help? Currently I’m running Fedora-11-i686 Live.ISO on my Sun Virtual Box, any help would be greatly appreciated.
When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened."

--Alexander Graham Bell,
American inventor


  • sidsanderssidsanders Member Posts: 217 ■■■□□□□□□□
    check Installation Guide

    note fedora std install media can be found at (mirror):

    this is the std install iso. you can get torrents for this, use other mirrors, or get the cd iso std install.
  • sidsanderssidsanders Member Posts: 217 ■■■□□□□□□□
  • 9MMMAC9MMMAC Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think the Live CD's give you a good taste of what the distro does, but you're right- as far as I know, you can't download and install packages; you have to install the whole thing (as in "I like this, I'll add it to my HD forever") to disc, then pull down any updates and add ons- after installation of the whole package. Am I correct that you used a live CD to install an entire full distro package? What in particular are you looking for or wanting to do?
  • fleckfleck Banned Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    9MMMAC wrote: »
    Am I correct that you used a live CD to install an entire full distro package?
    Yep, just like Ubuntu, it loads a Live OS and lets you do the install right from inside it.

    Edit: I just found this on the LiveCD features page:

    'Read-write rootfs so it's possible to install software while the livecd is running'

    Are you trying to use a GUI package manager, or are you not supposed to? Because unless you're doing it wrong, it's supposed to work.
  • 9MMMAC9MMMAC Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Well, I have two thoughts here. Yes, it's entirely possible the live distro you got won't let you install software packages, even after a full install to the HD, but that's a strange one...

    Is there some security process on your VM that is blocking executables- even in the VM image?

    To take it further: depending on how you set up your file structure, and assuming you got a verifed safe download, you could save those files (either in the VM or bring them out to a physical medium), get another Fedora 11 and reuse the downloads. Might save ya some time...
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