cme 4 setup on 2610xm

chchristiechchristie Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□

good evening. I am trying to install cme4 on a 2610xm with 48m fl/128 m ram but when i extracted the files, setup the http server and local auth with priv 15 then enabled the tphone service and try to connect using the ip. I get a pop asking for password and username i had setup earlier on router for the web admin and password which i input then it disappears and gives me a blank screen. I ran the sh flash and it still had the gui and the basic file in tar form. Prior to the install, i had taken out the phone files using 7zip and recreated the tar file. I decided to run the 3.3 on a 3640 with max flash and ram and it did pretty much the same but the tar files were fully extracted.

Can someone shed some ligth on this for me. Just trying to get off the ground with this lab thing and i figured if i built it from the ground up i would get it whilst reading the books. lets just say its been a challenge never knew bidding could hold so much a significant place in my life on ebay.


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