Cobian Backup

t3ch_gurut3ch_guru Member Posts: 166
Has anyone here ever used Cobian Backup before?
Knowledge is Power.


  • Graham_84Graham_84 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Yes used it once, was put of by the fact the icon was a mushroom, but when got past that realised it was still rubbish! Id prefer my mum to back up my server blindfolded with a box of floppy disks than use it again.

    Sorry to be so blunt. But if you just want a folder backup system its ok. It aint gonna backup your exchange and flush logs etc, or do system state very well or sharepoint, or anything live.
    Currently having a break after the MCITP:EA. Citrix or Cisco next, not sure!
  • mrmcmintmrmcmint Member Posts: 492 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Agreed with above. Its ok for home use if you have vista since vistas built in backup software is worse than useless, but apart from that... avoid
  • t3ch_gurut3ch_guru Member Posts: 166
    We use Cobian to backup .pst files for laptop users at my IT shop. We have exchange 07, but have not rolled everyone over to it yet. Most of our users emails are being stored at a remote location and are setting ldap routing and then move everyone to exchange. For right now it seems that Cobian works. But, sometimes I notice that the backup gets deleted. I just wanted to know if anyone witness this before. Is it deleted because it was trying to run and maybe outlook was running. Normally it does not backup if outlook is running, so I do not see why it would delete the .pst file. Once everyone is on Exchange I will not have to use this program for these laptop users.

    Has anyone seen this issue before?
    Knowledge is Power.
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