3rd party filewall and Win7

mikedisd2mikedisd2 Member Posts: 1,096 ■■■■■□□□□□
Anyone having issues with firewalls applied in Win7? Specifically Trend Micro Antivirus 8. The TAV server won't push out the client to Win7 via GPO and I have to install it manually. Some clients now say the TM firewall intermittently switches itself off.

Windows firewall is off via policy.

Googling hasn't got me far yet. Any ideas?

EDIT: Anyone having problems with GPOs in general applying to Win7 clients?


  • SWMSWM Member Posts: 287
    I am using Windows 7 with Trend WFBS 6 and have no problems.. We did experience issues with WFBS 5.1, but 6 solved them.

    I am not sure what "Trend Micro Antivirus 8" is... ??
    Isn't Bill such a Great Guy!!!!
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