Training Video/CBT Test

WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
Check out our first training video :D It is just a test mainly to see if you want me to create more of these (Windows 2003?). Anyway, just take a look and let me know what you think about it. (800K)

EDIT: Here's a more extensive example covering Remote Assistance for the 70-270 exam: (3.3MB, about 8 -10 minutes lesson)



  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    Hey, that looks pretty good Johan. I'm sure any full CBT you make like that will be a great addition to the site. Windows 2003 is coming in full eventually.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Thanks Ricka :)

    The best thing is that it is relatively easy to create something fairly quickly, (but if only a handful will use/watch them, it's still too much work. icon_wink.gif)

    Any suggestions for a name anyone? So far we got TechExams, TechNotes, TechSims, and TechLabs (latter two for Cisco certs).
    TechVideos or TechCBTs just doesn't sound right. 'Tech' is not mandatory...

    I'm going to improve the current test video until I have a style/format I can live with and then I will create at least a couple of more extensive ones.

    Of course, as everything else here at, they will be available free. (I might end up doing a Special Edition for some exam though.)
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    And uhmm... if anyone thinks it sucks big time, just let me know too (please include why though).
  • D-boyD-boy Member Posts: 595 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I think icon_wink.gif you should do some for the A+ OS exam that would be cool! Show the different ways to get to different options within different Operating systems. You know for people who do not have all the different Operating Systems to practice on at home. For example show the two different ways to get to the Systems Properties box, Just an idea icon_idea.gif
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Excellent suggestion D-Boy, I actually didn't even think of A+ OS yet... I'll check the exam objectives later today to see if I can find something suitable.
    Show the different ways to get to different options within different Operating systems. You know for people who do not have all the different Operating Systems to practice on at home. For example show the two different ways to get to the Systems Properties box
    For Microsoft exams there is only one way, and that is the Control Panel. That's also why I didn't right-click My Network Places to get to the connections. (Note, there's a third way to get to the system properties, which I wouldn't be able to 'depict' in a video though..., press the Win-Break/Pause key.)

    I'm about to upload an improved version of the ICF/ICS test video, which is almost 10 times smaller.
  • garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    I think it is very good. I think a demonstration in Active Directories in a working enviroment would help alot of people out. IE. Adding users/ group policies. I'm sure there are people who never seen a real A.D.
  • D-boyD-boy Member Posts: 595 ■■□□□□□□□□
    You got the ball rolling…. I just pushed it a little more…. So in the Microsoft exams they only see one way and that is through the Control panel? Wow I didnt even know that…. So if they ask, what steps do you take to change the size of your virtual memory? I would go through the control panel and not the shortcut way of doing it by right clicking on the My computer icon?
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Thanks for the comments and sugestions Garv. I agree ADS will be a suitable topic. I'll have to re-install Windows 2003 first though (Virtual PC trial license ended icon_sad.gif ), so I will probably create some more for Windows XP first.

    I just uploaded a much improved and smaller version of the ICF/ICS lesson:

    It's 800K instead of 2 MB and contains much more info.

    Keep those comments and suggestions coming people :)
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    D-boy wrote:
    Wow I didnt even know that…. So if they ask, what steps do you take to change the size of your virtual memory? I would go through the control panel and not the shortcut way of doing it by right clicking on the My computer icon?
    Yes indeed, you can find plenty of example in the MS docs (online and help files). System Properties are configured thru the System Control Panel applet. Although MS won't trick you to pick between the two, it is important to know that the Control Panel is always the prefered method to change computer settings. Something along the same lines is that they could throw questions at you with two correct answers, one using the registry, one using control panel applets. If they both do the same thing, the correct answer is the graphical user interface method.

    I guess you also answered the question yourself by using the words "shortcut way". If there is a shorcut, there must be a regular way as well. icon_wink.gif
  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    I check out the new one, which seems pretty good too. I like the yellow windows explaining why you did what you did. I would agree that more simpler certs such as A+ or Net+ might be more popular at first, but regardless, someone will use it. I would call it TechLessons. Sort of still related to the site, with what it is.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Ricka182 wrote:
    I check out the new one, which seems pretty good too. I like the yellow windows explaining why you did what you did. I would agree that more simpler certs such as A+ or Net+ might be more popular at first, but regardless, someone will use it. I would call it TechLessons. Sort of still related to the site, with what it is.
    Yeah I like those windows and callouts too, it makes it more like a CBT instead of 'just' a video. The new version I uploaded includes a couple of more of those. And I'm working on one for the "Configure, manage, and troubleshoot Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance" 70-270 exam objective, which is much more detailed, longer, more text windows, i.o.w. more valuable information.

    "TechLessons"... that's not a bad suggestion at all. I might go with that one unless we come up with something better. Although one could consider the TechNotes, -Lab, -Sims, as 'lessons' as well. I think the term 'tutorial' is most appropriate, but my good friend Jason already runs so that's just not an option. icon_wink.gif
  • RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    << can't comment because he is biased icon_wink.gif
    Good job Johan :)
    FIM website of the year 2007
  • JOblessELementJOblessELement Member Posts: 134
    800K for a 70 second video. Wow, great stuff Johan.

    What are you using to make these flash animations? And those yellow popup-notes are rather cool. Perhaps, some of the members on this board could help with creation of CBTs. Certified and experienced in their field/exams, of course.
    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.
  • lazyartlazyart Member Posts: 483
    Great work Johan. CBT seems to work great for me personally. When can I buy the 2003 series??? :)
    I'm not a complete idiot... some parts are missing.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    800K for a 70 second video. Wow, great stuff Johan.

    What are you using to make these flash animations? And those yellow popup-notes are rather cool. Perhaps, some of the members on this board could help with creation of CBTs. Certified and experienced in their field/exams, of course.
    Yeah I too was suprised when I noticed the file size. I can make it smaller but then the graphics get a bit noisy. Maybe I will create highspeed and lowspeed versions eventually. I'm using a combination of software which I got to visualize 3D modelling tutorials, I've been looking for it for litterally years. (I'm not going to disclose 'my tools' at the moment, hopefully for obvious reasons ;))
    lazyart wrote:
    Great work Johan. CBT seems to work great for me personally. When can I buy the 2003 series??? :)
    Thanks man :) I think you are right and I should just name it a ' CBT'. I think others will agree when they see the next one, which I hope to post in a couple of hours or else tomorrow. I'm trying to accomplish that after watching the CBT one knows both the theory and the practical part (i.o.w. more text). I'll probably start on the 2003 series this very weekend (they'll be free though), I need to re-setup a good win2003 lab first.

    Unless I get a lot of requests for other exams, I will start with the 70-270 Windows XP exam and the 70-290 and 70-291 Windows 2003 exams (hence also 70-292, same topics as 90 and 91). Maybe some A+ OS...
  • JOblessELementJOblessELement Member Posts: 134
    Webmaster wrote:
    I'm not going to disclose 'my tools' at the moment, hopefully for obvious reasons ;)

    Using Billy tactics I see ... :P
    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    You are way off, but I hope you at least understand this is not the place to discuss the process, but the product.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Ok, here's a better example than the first one. As I mentioned earlier, it includes a lot more text. So much actually that when it is finished I can copy and paste it to TechNotes and only need to make some minor changes. Let me know if anyone thinks the CBTs become too much reading this way. (3.3MB, about 8-10 minutes lesson, first half of chapter "Configure, manage, and troubleshoot Remote Dekstop and Remote Assistance")

    Like in the previous test (ICF, ICS) the callouts/balloons dissappear after a certain amount of time, if it's going to fast at a certain point please let me know. And of course feel free to correct my spelling/grammar if needed ;)

    If nobody has any suggestions for major changes I will lock this thread and start new topics in the 70-270 forum for Windows XP CBTs and in the 290, 291, and 292 forums for windows 2003 CBTs.

  • garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    Webmaster wrote: (3.3MB, about 8-10 minutes lesson, first half of chapter "Configure, manage, and troubleshoot Remote Dekstop and Remote Assistance")


    Very good job. Doing everything from the control panel is exactly how the books explain & display also. The shortcuts come with experience. Very good Johan. icon_thumright.gif
  • lazyartlazyart Member Posts: 483
    Is it just me or is there no audio? I've fiddled with my settings like mad, coming to the notion that maybe there is no sound in the first place?

    Thumbs up, Johan. Excellent stuff.
    I'm not a complete idiot... some parts are missing.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Thanks guys!
    Is it just me or is there no audio? I've fiddled with my settings like mad, coming to the notion that maybe there is no sound in the first place?
    Correct, there is no audio. Future versions may include audio, but I won't be able to do that for at least 2 months.

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