Photoshop pros?

grayfox587grayfox587 Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 48 ■■□□□□□□□□
Well my professor just told our class that were presenting our website in class, and i have been unsuccessful in making a nice banner for my website. So i was wondering if any of you pro's want to spare a few minutes of your time and make a nice banner for your old bud fox :P

the website name is, if anyone does it, i will be so grateful, the banner i keep making, looks like ive been doing it in paint, if you wanna make a layout for the background and stuff i will luv you, cat 5 cable for the person who helps!


  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod

    you may find someone crazy enough to do your homework (and even for a $2 CAT cable icon_rolleyes.gif). How about you look for some suggestions, rather then asking for someone else to do your work?

    What do you have to work with?
    - photos?
    - colors?
    - What sort of guidelines have you been give already? Such as monochromatic? Fades? Offset images? Creative?

    Note: Generally, it is not accepted by this community to do someone else's homework. We've all done our share over the years, so guidence you may receive, but taking credit for someone else's work? Not acceptable.
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • PashPash Member Posts: 1,600 ■■■■■□□□□□
    I agree with Plantwiz entirely. While we do have photoshop guys and gals on these forums this really isn't a website where you can ask people to whip up some work for you just like that. Remember many of us work full time or sudy full time, just like you!

    Typically there are some forums out there where you can make a request for work and people may post their portfolio's to you where you can view their past works, you can then contact these people and ask them to make you a banner for a agreed fee OR part fee and accreditation on your website for their work (but if this is a college project without going live on the public domain it is unlikely they will agree with this).

    If this is a project for college why are you not taking it on yourself? When I first started learning markup languages at college and putting together shabby little websites using only notepad, this is was the most fun I have had in IT I think. Just try your best, I doubt they are expecting professional studio like work!

    It sounds like you haven't decided much on your layout, the banner is just an element to the website layout, not the whole 9 yards of it. My suggestion to you would be the following:-

    1. Sketch out in pen or pencil a rough layout plan of your website, only showing where the banner, footer, navigation, content will go.

    2. Wireframe the design now, add more details and decide more heavily on placement of objects (this stage can be a phantom stage depending on how good your sketching is).

    3. Decide your px height and px width. Some designers will skip photoshop in favour of literally designing layouts in the browsers using the web dev tools available to them in browsers such as firefox or opera (I dont mean the real graphical elements, just the layouts and the very baseline coding). However, for me personally I have always gone to photoshop and created the design and then sliced and diced it into usable code (that said I havent done any website layouts for a good few years!). A good read might be - Why we skip Photoshop - (37signals).

    Anyway, some of that may or may not help, but it should give you a good start should you decide to work on this yourself!.

    Good luck.

    DevOps Engineer and Security Champion. - I am trying to find my writing style, so please bear with me.
  • XcluzivXcluziv Member Posts: 513 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I've been known to dabble in PS some....hit me up in a PM


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